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Living Room / Re: Win10 Navigation Pane scrambled
« on: October 05, 2014, 04:11 PM »
That's the other option that I've seen- in the disk management utility, you can change that sort order.  Because I had an old drive with windows, and then installed another drive and set that to C, that drive was in the wrong order.  I was able to fix it in the disk management utility.

That works fine when you have two physical disks.
In this case, there are six partitions on a single 2tb drive. You can re-letter, rename, re-size, whatever you think will work but the drive sort in File Explorer still remains the same.
I re-lettered all partitions, with the exception of C:, starting in the middle of the alphabet.
File Explorer then showed what was drive D: , as Drive J: , C: comes up in the second position, Drive K: displays where Drive F: showed below C: and so on. Drive E: has a new letter but it still winds up at the bottom of the list of six partitions.
I returned the letters to C: through H: as they are displayed in Disk Management, return to File Explorer and the order returns to D: , C: , F: , G: , H: ,and E: .
I told Shades yesterday that I remembered adding some old memory to that machine a couple of years ago and after it sat here for a couple of hours with the Win10 install running it developed some weird HDD activity and emitted some strange sounds. Last night I pulled those two old memory sticks and then did a clean install of the Win10 preview, for the 4th or 5th time.
When I booted for the install it was immediately apparent that one of those memory sticks was bad, or failed after warming up and the install proceeded post haste!
Welcome screen, logon, and File Explorer........ the drive order still remains at D,C,F,G,H,E.
The log file of the install has dropped from 3700kb to 149kb and shows nothing that would change the drive order.
Conclusion: The problem is in the ISO download! If I decide to continue playing with it, I'll download a 64bit version since that machine will support 64bit Windows.
Thanks for the suggestion. Sorry it's not the right answer.
I installed Win10 on that old machine strictly to play with. I have no intention of upgrading from Win8.1.1, which I thoroughly enjoy.

Living Room / Re: Win10 Navigation Pane scrambled
« on: October 04, 2014, 06:05 PM »
You are right about the serial numbers and I spent an hour crawling the registry trying to find a place to change the sort order, all to no avail. Considering everything else that's turned up I'm going to check out some other ideas before I download another ISO.
That machine ran Win7/32 Pro since it was released but it has a Celeron D CPU so it will run a 64 bit O/S.
I didn't download a 64 bit ISO because I'd seen reports where people were having problems with it. I have no intention of upgrading to Win10 so I thought I'd give the 32 bit version a shot to see what the hype was all about. If I have to re-download I'll get the 64 bit ISO.
In the meantime I'm going to check that machine out a little more thoroughly. I've got a cigar box full of memory sticks and just before I stopped using the machine fulltime I was looking for some memory for my nephew. I found a couple of 500mb sticks that would fit that machine and since it had the slots and only 2gb memory I dropped in the two 500mb chips.
I didn't use the machine much after that but it reported the memory, ran fine, and gave it a little performance boost.
Since the Win10 install went belly up and especially after the strange noises after the machine sat there awhile, that old memory has become suspect. I think my next move will be to pull that memory and then re-install from the last DVD I burned. I don't remember if Win10 requires more than 2gb mem to run or not but I'll get some idea if the memory is corrupting the install or if the media is already corrupt.
Sorry for the ramble...............

Living Room / Re: Win10 Navigation Pane scrambled
« on: October 04, 2014, 04:05 PM »
And I'm still looking for the option to sort the Navigation Pane. There are sort options all over the page but the one for the Nave Pane eludes me  huh

Thanks for the reply but if there was help there I missed it.

I thought it was only fair to give you an update of what is transpiring here.............
I downloaded the 32 bit ISO for the Win10 Preview.
Burned it to a DVD using Image Burn.
Clean install on a 64 bit machine.
Install finishes, a bright multicolored rainbow background appears.
Hit the space bar and the login appears.
I log in and open File Explorer.
The drive letters in Navigation Pane are not in alphabetical order. Strange but it is a beta, and I usually run them if I have a slot to put them in. Having read that users were having problems with installing I did a little checking and then posted to DC hoping the problem I was having was the same as the one others were having.
Having run many betas previously I started System File Checker and it found corrupt files, some of them it couldn't fix.
It also produced a log of errors it found that ran 3700kb and one helluva long scroll to read.
Completely unacceptable and I think it was about that time I posted what I had found to DC.
Having nothing to lose I ran setup again in an "over the top" install.
When that finished the Nave Pane was still in the same non-alphabetical order so I punched up SFC, again from an elevated command prompt, and when finished that reported "un-fixable" files, Nave Pane no improvement, but the log file of errors had dropped to 2100kb. Some improvement but still unacceptable!
I began getting advice from DC and a request for a screenshot. Apparently I had set something wrong and the Nave Pane wound up out of alphabetical order.
Since I have a virgin, default install in front of me and I haven't "set" anything, combined with the knowledge that the Navigation Pane is not, I repeat... Not, sortable by a user, I chose to disregard all that free advice and ask some questions.
The next step is to give Windows "Repair"/Reset a go.
Inserted the DVD and rebooted.
The install screen opened and I selected "Repair".
I immediately got a response "Your computer is not repairable".
Having some experience in the field, I immediately suspected a bad burn and proceeded to burn another DVD from my original downloaded ISO.
Got a mess on Drive C: on that machine so a clean install is essential.
A clean install with a freshly burned DVD duplicated the original install.
Simple deduction tells me "hey buddy, you got a bad download! Seems reasonable to me under the circumstances.
The machine with the bad install sat there awhile, HDD light flickered occasionally, and then the light flickered rapidly and the machine emitted a strange sound repeatedly until I hit the reset button and got it shut down.
With a five and a half hour download required to get fresh install media I think I'll wait awhile.
A new release by MS might give me a better shot at a compatible ISO.

That about brings things up to the minute! Is there anything here that you can agree with?


Living Room / Re: Win10 Navigation Pane scrambled
« on: October 04, 2014, 12:53 PM »
Chances are you have one of the many organize/view settings set to sort the drives by free/used space, or drive size. Which is usually easy to spot in a screen shot.

Personally I have a standing request for all clients to send a SS of any and all error messages they get for an issue, as frequently the type of window will tell you more about an issue than the poorly worded error message. Not to mention that users never read the entire message, or pay attention to the caption bar text.

So Yeah...a picture really does paint - or save the exchange of - 1,000 words.
Thanks for the reply, Stoic Joker, and I agree that users often never read the entire msg but I'm afraid I've never found screenshots to be of much value when troubleshooting. And of course, to get a screenshot off a flawed O/S install is another challenge.
I might also refer you to my reply #5 on this thread, both above and below at this point and ask you that same question I asked Tomas.. screenshots and corrupt files? Not just on a different page but in a completely different book!
And I'm still looking for the option to sort the Navigation Pane. There are sort options all over the page but the one for the Nave Pane eludes me  :huh:

Living Room / Re: Win10 Navigation Pane scrambled
« on: October 04, 2014, 12:17 PM »
Finally, does stoickjokers suggestion about sorting help?
Tomas, I appreciate your efforts, I really do! But I think you missed my reply #5 quoted in the previous post.
And I would really like to know where I might find the option to sort the Navigation Pane???
Not the Details nor Preview Panes, just the Navigation Pane please!
(see reply #5 again please) Since System File Checker found corrupt files, some that it couldn't repair, do you really believe that a screenshot will aid in the solution???

Living Room / Re: Win10 Navigation Pane scrambled
« on: October 04, 2014, 11:56 AM »
My, My....... lots of activity here this morning.
While I'm re-installing the Win10 preview I'll try to respond to each post.
I'll respond LIFO so........

x16wda, to my knowledge, the Navigation Pane (see title of the thread above) is not sortable by the user. If you have knowledge to the contrary please advise where I might find that option. In the meantime please review my post #5 quoted below.

Thanks for the reply

Re: Win10 Navigation Pane scrambled

« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2014, 05:58:20 PM »
SFC just finished on the Win10 install. Found corrupt files and some could not be repaired.
Running the setup file again for an install over the top. Might work  huh

Living Room / Re: Win10 Navigation Pane scrambled
« on: October 03, 2014, 08:36 PM »
Either you give them what they ask for... or accept that they might wash their hands of the situation.
If you read my original post to will see that I was asking for "ideas". I was hoping for a response from someone that had the same or similar problem which would indicate a flaw or a bug in the Win10 media. Instead I received a ridiculous request for a picture of the problem. That's when the hand washing started. Mine! I already knew the answer was worthless and washed my hands of it.
If you don't know the answer: don't reply  :-[
Thanks anyway  :D

Living Room / Re: Win10 Navigation Pane scrambled
« on: October 03, 2014, 07:34 PM »
I've been watching too many middle-road dramas, but it sounds like we're 6 minutes into a 45 minute episode. When you're faced with something bizarre, you have to slow down and do "silly seeming things" just to get a bit of raw data and your bearings before the solution shows up at min 38.  : )

So it's just a screen shot, it can't hurt ... maybe not help, but maybe it's that step where you rule out random impossible things.

Your logic escapes me  :huh:
I've found that SFC and chkdsk are more helpful  8)
Been associated with computers since 1958 or '59. Bought my first one in 1981 then decided to build one in 1992  :D
Since 1992 I've built a few, installed an O/S or two, spent a few minutes troubleshooting, and never, in all that time, do I recall a screenshot being of any value  :D
I'm down to four machines, only three online, so someday I may try your theory.
My mother used a similar logic back in the 50's  :-[  When our car wouldn't start for some reason her first question was "did you put some water in the radiator!!! Never did but I always got the car started. Just a fluke I guess  :P

Living Room / Re: Win10 Navigation Pane scrambled
« on: October 03, 2014, 05:58 PM »
SFC just finished on the Win10 install. Found corrupt files and some could not be repaired.
Running the setup file again for an install over the top. Might work  :huh:

SFC did fix the DVD drive location and placed it back at the bottom of the list. Not really much help though  :(

Living Room / Re: Win10 Navigation Pane scrambled
« on: October 03, 2014, 04:03 PM »
give us a screenshot ;-)

I'm confused about the drive letters being out of order and the fact that the DVD drive isn't listed in the Navigation Pane.
I tried to install Avast free. It downloaded something for ten minutes, advised me to close all open files, installed something for another ten minutes, delivered an error msg that I had a compatibility problem, installed an un-installer, and aborted :huh:
I clicked on the shortcut icon for the un-installer and was informed that there was no application associated with the shortcut.
Googled Win10 and A/V. Apparently MS surprised all the antivirus people along with the rest of us and Google found nothing I could use. Hopefully, Windows Defender, installed by default on Win10, will keep us safe until the A/V people catch up  :huh:
A request for a screenshot of an un-alphabetized list of what should be alphabetized list adds more confusion :tellme:
Tomas, what on earth do you think a screenshot will accomplish??????
An alphabetized list should be in alphabetical order. It ain't  :(  Nuff said :-[
I'm sure I can come up with a screenshot of that nav pane if you can explain why you need it  :huh:
Fair enough?????

Living Room / Re: Win10 Navigation Pane scrambled
« on: October 03, 2014, 12:48 PM »
D: is just a data drive. The CD drive doesn't appear at all in Navigation pane.
In This PC it's displayed at the top of the list as drive I:
Can't find anything in the Registry either???

Living Room / Win10 Navigation Pane scrambled
« on: October 03, 2014, 12:26 PM »
This is a new one on me....... my navigation pane in File Explorer:
Can't find any way to sort them correctly  :huh: Disk Management displays all partitions in the correct order so the problem isn't there.
Any ideas  :huh:

Living Room / Re: Godmode in Win10
« on: October 03, 2014, 09:58 AM »
If you know what you want then Godmode makes it real easy to set up a new install. Scroll down through the list and set screen resolution, power setting, folder options, et al, and when you get to the bottom of the list you can go to work  8)
I think the subject has been beaten to death in previous posts so it's easy to find if you want it  :P

Living Room / Re: Godmode in Win10
« on: October 03, 2014, 08:56 AM »
Set up ODBC Data Sources (64-bit) is missing on the Win10 machine. It's an old 32-bit machine  :D

Living Room / Godmode in Win10
« on: October 03, 2014, 12:41 AM »
I installed Godmode  folder in Win10Preview and all seems normal except it only displays 251 items where Win8.1 displays 252  :huh:
251 seems more than sufficient  :P

Living Room / Re: Win9 will be FREE!
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:30 AM »

Ed Bott has released the best summation I've seen on how, what, where, etc.  8)
He has explained the whole process from start to finish so you should be able to install the preview with all necessary info on one page  :D

Living Room / Re: Win9 will be FREE!
« on: October 01, 2014, 06:08 PM »
Boy, I've cut down a lot on what news I follow over the years.  i think I may cut out a whole bunch of tech news.  These articles about new devices and new features and stuff are really making me  undecided.

Confusing isn't it  :huh:
I've been reading comments from readers in all the posts about the releases and non-releases, what it is and what it ain't, when and how, do it or don't it, and so much more, for several hours.
I can't come to a conclusion; I don't know what the question is  :huh:
I ran across one comment that comes about as close as possible to the right answer and sums up the situation at Microsoft and the rest of the world for that matter  :tellme:
We read the old quotations, "This too will pass", and thousands of others, and take solace, but this is about as profound as it gets in my mind.
We have THE answer  :huh: Take comfort  :P

"My God, they talk about "apps", not "programs", this scares me!
And, this idea of jumping a number is the most depressing thing in the
history of marketing"

I think Microsoft now knows what they have to do  :D
When you hear the voice of the people and realize what democracy means you are left with a warm feeling in your gut  :-[
Have a nice day  :Thmbsup:

Living Room / Re: Win9 will be FREE!
« on: October 01, 2014, 03:31 PM »
WindowsTechnicalPreview-x64-EN-US.iso]Windows 10 x64 Tech Preview ISO Image - Direct Link

you may have just started a flash mob  ;D

Living Room / Re: Win9 will be FREE!
« on: October 01, 2014, 02:16 PM »
What the hell.............
the day is shot anyway  :P


Living Room / Re: Win9 will be FREE!
« on: October 01, 2014, 02:10 PM »
Now that we know what it is and what number to look for............. here's where to get and how to install it   :D


Living Room / Re: Win9 will be FREE!
« on: October 01, 2014, 10:31 AM »
This is all getting too confusing for me  :-\

I think I'll just wait for Win11  :huh:

Living Room / Re: Win9 will be FREE!
« on: October 01, 2014, 12:44 AM »
Purportedly, another report has been leaked  8)
I was confident that Win9 will be a free update for Win8/Win8.1/Win8RTF but purportedly it will also work by submitting $30 US and a valid copy of Win7  :huh: WTH


I'm waiting now for purported report about Linux, and Dos6.21 would be nice  :-\
Android.... not so much  :(

Living Room / Re: Win9 will be FREE!
« on: September 30, 2014, 03:20 PM »
Quote from: http://www.engadget....icrosoft-windows-10/

The new Windows, which it's calling Windows 10. The company looks at the new number (yes, it skipped a number) ...

Well, no wonder that Win9 will be free.

Until officially notified otherwise, I'm going to assume that Win9 is free, because it is an upgrade to Win8.
If MS uses #9 for an upgrade  numbering the next completely new O/S #10 seems perfectly logical. It's safe to assume that mathematically 9 follows 8 and 10 follows 9 so I'm considering the matter settled until MS changes the current order of numbers in our mathematical system.  :P

Living Room / Re: Win9 will be FREE!
« on: September 29, 2014, 06:40 PM »
there is an unconfirmed report containing some unconfirmed information regarding the unconfirmed release of an O/S that may or may not be called Windows 9 by the purported releaser.
Since previous information regarding the purported release seemed to confuse some readers about the price of the product being released we will not confirm nor deny any previously reported reports. Since this purported release is purportedly an upgrade to Win8/Win8.1 it would seem to have little interest to users not running one of those O/Ss..... we could be wrong?
We assume no liability for any information published by the publishing author and questions regarding the published data should be directed to them.
This URL may or may not work and if it fails Google may be able to find the same or similar information for your perusal.

Have a nice day  :D

Living Room / Re: File too long for Recycle Bin
« on: September 28, 2014, 03:56 PM »
I appreciate your input, MilesAhead, and I am traveling in circles, especially mentally  :-[
I've continued to research this phenomenon and am getting more confused with each click.

1. The file history feature only applies to Win8.1 and Win8.1RT so if you're not running one of those O/Ss you would have no way of knowing what's going on with my system.

2. The file history feature only works on Library files, such as Documents, etc. The files giving me trouble weren't in a Library folder. They weren't even on the boot drive. They appeared when I moved the folder from C:\All Downloads to D:\ Save, so they were never even in a Library folder.

3. File History is turned OFF on this machine!
That being the case there was no file history, deleting file history didn't actually do Anything and why clicking on it allowed me to delete the unwanted file is a mystery again  :huh:

I've scrolled through hundreds of folders looking for more of the unwanted files but none were found. I've been unable to duplicate the event by downloading the files from that newsletter again.
Leaving me nowhere  >:( . I can't run any more tests until I get more of those files and that may be a year or more away  :-\

I'm betting that with an O/S other than 8.1 the solution lies in the permissions. I tried editing the permissions in the last files I found and allowing Everyone full control let me delete them from the HDD, bypassing the Recycle Bin.
That's all I know  :-[
Thanks again for your input and if or when I get a similar event I shall return.

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