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Messages - SKesselman [ switch to compact view ]

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Hey, mouser - how cool to see your name in my inbox. I hope you and all of the other brilliant DC members are doing well.

Most of the time I was here, I was trying to learn (often by reading interesting threads) how to keep my VAIO running. It occurred to me one day that learning how to do things like dig around in my registry & perform other magic tricks was no longer a skill to be learned, but rather a requirement in order to run windows & over time it really ticked me off that I'd spent so much money and time, only to be forced to learn what did not come naturally to me at all - to need so many skills just to get the computer to allow me to do something simple like write an email. So, one day I just got so frustrated, I turned the VAIO off & never turned it on again. I went 3 years with no computer, the last 2 relying on my iPhone 4s which worked like a dream. Then, I didn't even want a computer but I got one, with the hope of getting a job online. I have an Apple MacBook Pro. I'm taking my time with learning it, but so far it's just like a computer that works.

I loved my time here. I loved the huge variety of topics and most of all I loved the way it was run...nobody except a troll I think was ever condescending of my elementary queries, or anyone else's, and that's really what the forum here was to me. Kind of a shelter from the storm of too much information. I was so happy when I could get help, I remember all of the times members have answered my questions, and how nice everyone was.
I have so much respect for all of you here. It's like the computer keeps telling you, "No", & you all keep saying, "Really? Watch me".
Now I'm just an old lady on Facebook (I still don't understand twitter,  :()
Thanks for pulling me out of the rock I was under, I also have some unfinished business with another member for their kindness when I was on the board. :)

Good luck, have fun & keep up your nice attitude, mouser.  :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup:


Living Room / Re: Stephen's Weekly Tech News - Edition 3
« on: March 01, 2010, 04:17 AM »
 :)  :)  :)
Nice, 40hz!!

General Software Discussion / Re: Battle of the Free Online Storages
« on: February 15, 2010, 07:22 PM »
Http:// ...

That is a great link. You just need to take out one of the extra http://s in the address to get the page to load.

Living Room / Re: Be careful with your credit cards!
« on: February 15, 2010, 12:06 PM »
I love the idea of a credit card number that can be used only once.
As long as the numbers don't run out (like GUIDs).

That's the best idea ever.
Too bad, the banks should know by now that if it's a dispute with a magazine subscription, to assist he bank customer, to assume they're correct.
I'm in the US, & I've never had a magazine subscription that didn't rip me off.
They even had to make laws here that prohibited companies from 'auto-renewing because the customer didn't mail a card back requesting to cancel'.

I'll go to the bookstore and send you the monthly issues if turns our that nothing works out for you, if you like.
It would help me get gifts out by getting me to the post office and help me actually go buy books I'm interested in.
If I wanted a monthly issue of any magazine, I'd do that for myself.
I'm also suspicious of them selling your name & address to junk mail companies here in the US.
As much as people hate spam, junk mail is even worse.
At least with spam, most of it gets sorted from you regular mail and I've often found my important paper mail buried inside junk mail.
But that's another issue. Anyway, you have another option.  :)

Living Room / Re: I hate Valentine's Day!
« on: February 13, 2010, 10:15 PM »
...and doing WHAT furiously while hating themselves for it?????

Sorry...that wasn't very nice. Must be rough... ;)

Living Room / Re: I hate Valentine's Day!
« on: February 13, 2010, 06:44 PM »
What can I say, he is French!
Erm, have you tried 'Allo, 'allo?  ;)
-cranioscopical (February 13, 2010, 05:13 PM)

OK, you got me, and fast. I looked up the show, but still can't think of a thing to say.
You must still be seething over my last win, so you're giving me something impossible to respond to this time!  :P
That's OK, though - if I lose to you, at least you're always tactful, and not condescending.  ;)
Even when the obvious happens to slip by me.

Either that, or it's just not my day  ;D .

Living Room / Re: I hate Valentine's Day!
« on: February 13, 2010, 02:57 PM »
Same here. Me and my wife don't celebrate our wedding anniversary, but the day we met.

That's sweet, too!
Not trying to brag or anything, but we celebrate:
the first PM (from another forum) I ever sent him  :-*,
the day we met on video chat , and
the day he arrived from France so we could meet in person

What can I say, he is French!

Apparently clicking the link at the bottom of gmail is *not* enough to disable google buzz...

Thanks, Google! I really like putting in the effort to learn how to do this, it's a great way to spend my time, and even better, will certainly enhance my computing skills. Cool!  :Thmbsup:


Just curious...why are the only ads being discussed in this thread about Google ads?
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I've read the entire thread, and I didn't see anything that said the experiment was about displaying Google ads only.

Judging form the responses, it seems that a very strong concern here is that DC would feel that it would be compromising its identity as the wonderfully unique & skilled, helpful community that it is, or that it might be (understandably) degrading itself by using Google ads.

What about experimenting with ads for companies or sole developers that DC finds reputable, interesting, or educational, and all on topic with computing?
By advertising these types of sites, the overall feeling of the DC admins and members selling advertising here might be "cleaner"?  :-\

I would prefer to see a standalone service though.

y0himba, is this what you mean?

No, Buzz Is Not Being Clipped From Gmail. It MAY Get A Separate Web App Though.

I just joined Facebook lately and that's the way I feel about it (I dont want the fecker to keep shoving potential 'friends' in my face...even if I do half know some of them, & how do they know I half know them anyway - it's just creepy I find)

Yeah, the grid's always there. I think I understand why it bugs you.
I liked it at first, because I lost touch with a lot of people throughout my life, for no real reason other than moving, etc.
The suggestions were great, but now that I've found my friends & they've found me, the friend suggestions are pretty pointless.
I'm certain you already know this, but it's just a program showing you random friends of your current friends & I think you can maybe even stop the suggestion feature from showing on your home page. If I figure out how, I'll inbox you.  :)

Thanks so much, nudone.
Armed with nothing but a keyboard & some determination, I've already cornered him and kicked him out, I found out how to do it it on Life Hacker.
I tried to post the directions I found for anyone else but I keep forgetting how post pics as links here & am in a hurry so I gave up.

I just didn't want my followers or those I'm following me to think I was ignoring them when they were misinformed that I was on buzzz...
Posting pics & stuff to a group I'm included in or worse, just me...bad, Google. Not nice at all. Stupid idea IMO.

Thanks, again  :)

Tried it, hated it, left it, now hiding from it  :down:

Saw the sign up page yesterday, made it a point to not touch that "Try it" button, and logged into my gmail account.
Woke up this morning only to find that while I was sleeping, it had snuck into my gmail account & made a comfy little home for itself.
It showed me the people I'm "following" and the people who are "following" me.
W T F ??????? I don't "follow", I don't Tweet. I'm only on Facebook and I keep FB & Gmail separate for a reason.

Uggghh...I feel like I'm being stalked by a google app!!!!
Get away from me, Buzz, you creep! Can't you take "No" for an answer?  >:(

Living Room / Re: I hate Valentine's Day!
« on: February 10, 2010, 10:10 PM »
OK, for all the guys bellyaching about the commercialism of Valentine's Day, this may be more up you alley...
I don't know if you need to belong to Facebook or not to see this, & you certainly don't have to join the "cause", but it's a nice idea  :).

Tell Her She's Beautiful. If the link doesn't work, you can read it here:
It has come to my attention that as I grow older, girls get more and more self conscious of themselves. This hurts me, because every girl is beautiful in their own way. They all want to live up to standards that the media has set for them, like being paper thin or double Z breasts. It really breaks my heart to see all of the girls to wallow around and hate who they are and think they aren’t worth something.

I’m making this event so everyone can tell anyone that they think is beautiful, that they are beautiful. Just tell them. They don’t hear it enough, and they want to hear it. Tell anyone; tell your friend, your mother, your sister, your cousin, your dog for all I care. Let’s show girls that we don’t care about the standards that they set for themselves and that we like them the way they are.

Let’s show every girl that they really are beautiful. So tell them, it’ll make their day.

Girls, you ARE beautiful.


Invite as many people as you can to this event :) spread the word and make this a big event!

It’ll be spanning from Thursday the 11th to Sunday the 14th (aka Valentine’s Day), so boys/ girls, this gives you time to work up the nerve for that special someone.

And if one feels so inclined, spread the love to the males too, because we can be insecure too!

Guys please do not fret too much about this, this event was inspired by my friends that don't think that they're enough. Hence why I dedicate this to females. But being a guy myself, I do understand how we can feel self conscious at times too. So yes this can be for males too, i never said it couldn't. It could be for anyone, even your pet rock for all I care, just spread the love. :D

This event is not created to force anyone to say "You're beautiful"; see it as a reminder.

Everyone is beautiful in their own way, so please keep negative comments to yourself. Please people, be mature. If you don't like the idea of this event too much, keep rude comments to yourself! Thanks :)


To all of you people out there who are struggling with issues like self confidence, a break up, depression, boredom, or any other negative feeling, visit the link below. Geoffrey Montalvo, a very big supporter of THSB, has started this site to help people like you, who are struggling. Feel free to fill out a request for an anonymous article written just for you and your problem.

Also a GREAT guy has created a song called "Tell Her She's Beautiful" inspired by this event! Check it out (created by David Ishizaka)

For those interested, I will be posting videos for the event and such on my Youtube channel. I will also be posting other things for my art class, check it out :)

On a final note, I'm not exactly adding anyone anymore. I have added a few of you wonderful people, but no one seemed to add me with any specific purpose. So unless there is a special reason, I will not add anymore people on my profile. I do however appreciate the comments you guys send to m, when you send me a friend request, and I read and enjoy each and every one of them. I also personally answer every message I receive :) So feel free to message!

For those that did send me a message this way and I haven't answered to it, it's because I wasn't able to send you a message back. I appreciate your messages either way though :)

Thank you very much, you are all beautiful.

Due to abuse of posting, no one is allowed to post pictures, links or videos anymore. Sorry guys :( some people are just a little too immature.

So some media wanted to interview me, and I gladly answered all of the questions, more on the way!

Steph Jordan Living In Color: http://stephjordanin...utiful-josh-did.html

Rebecca Burstein Ryerson in the Moment: http://ryerson2010.p...-fight-poor-body-ima

Living Room / Re: I hate Valentine's Day!
« on: February 10, 2010, 09:46 PM »
Were it not for the tenderness of my sweet filet mignon, I would have chickened out, altogether.
What, and missed your just desserts?
-cranioscopical (February 10, 2010, 09:22 PM)

No...I actually did just miss my desserts. I had them for lunch!  ;D

General Software Discussion / Re: DC Reveal/Hide feature
« on: February 10, 2010, 06:41 PM »
Another thought: try fooling the email client into thinking something is a quote. Some use pretty simplistic ways of determining this, e.g. > character prefix. Of course this will only work on certain clients, those that are configured with that quote detection method *and* have quote collapsing options, heh.

- Oshyan

Just tried this on gmail. No go. But thanks, anyway.  :)

Living Room / Re: I hate Valentine's Day!
« on: February 10, 2010, 05:57 PM »
They even put the laptop at my place setting!
I've heard of going cold turkey but that's a little extreme!
-cranioscopical (February 10, 2010, 04:35 PM)

Like I said, it was fun, but I was pretty shaky, beforehand. I had some Grand Marnier first, to no avail.
Were it not for the tenderness of my sweet filet mignon, I would have chickened out, altogether.

General Software Discussion / Re: DC Reveal/Hide feature
« on: February 10, 2010, 05:01 PM »
Gmail collapses quotes by default. Thunderbird can do quote collapsing too I believe. Outlook as well, if I recall correctly. Though the specific configs and ways of triggering it may be different in each case. ;)
- Oshyan

Hi, and thanks for your answer.
What I really want is something where I can control the expand collapse feature, not just have conversation replies collapse.
I'm really looking for the exact feature used here - select something like the Spoiler button, write your text, and...
...the recipient receives your email, spoiler button and function intact.

For example, "Directions to the Party"
blah blah blah

If you don't need the directions, don't hit the button, and the email appears much more neat and organized than in a regular email with a map you don't need and directions you already know. This way, the recipients can find the info they do need much faster. Does that make better sense?

About scripts:
I'm sure the scripts suggested to me will work on my end, I just need a little time and patience to learn how to use them.
But, I wonder how they will come out on the recipient's end. Like getting a red X in an email where a photo was meant to be.
This is difficult, as when I used this feature in Lotus Notes at work, everyone else in the company ran Lotus Notes, too.
We all had the same I/T guys, platforms, programs and servers and all Notes features worked perfectly for all of us, all the time.
But outside of work, people use so many clients with so many different features written in all these different codes, etc.
I can't imagine it working without actually running a script on the recipient's computer.
I'm afraid that this would bring up a warning message, which would have the user say, "No, do not run this script".
Especially since most people I know, myself included, don't even know what script the message is referring to. The script names are too cryptic.
These are all just guesses, though.

Thanks again for your reply, I think I'll check out Thunderbird as you suggested. If that doesn't work, I'm going to just keep on hunting!

Living Room / Re: Networks and external drives
« on: February 10, 2010, 11:08 AM »
Oh yeah, if you really have been dropping your external storage you might want to consider backing it all up to another HDD.


Good point! The data on my little WD drive is minimal. Just some pictures, Outlook data & data from programs I haven't installed.
I'm at least getting in the habit now of disconnecting before doing anything where I know the drive won't be needed.
Do you think, since the data has (almost) never been actively used while being suddenly disconnected, that it will be OK?
My Outlook stuff is fine.  :-\

Living Room / Re: Networks and external drives
« on: February 09, 2010, 09:45 PM »
Wow. Thanks all, for your suggestions. You got me on the right track.

I can't do the string idea as I have 2 power supplies & I'm forever unplugging from the back of the pc in one room, then plugging another one in, in another room. So it sounds like there would be a good amount of attaching/reattaching.

But I'm scrapbooking your replies, including that great link to all of those different models, until April or May, when I have the time and money to fix this.

Thanks again, this is great info for me to have.

Living Room / Re: A simple "Start Page"
« on: February 09, 2010, 08:10 PM »
Hmmmmmm, I wonder if there's a FF AddOn that searches the descriptions for when you forget the name of the site?  Like if you typed in Programming it would pop up all your bookmarks with the word or substring in the description.

This thread seems a little over my head  :-[, so forgive me if your question is more complex than this:
If you are in FF, go to View, Sidebar, History & it has a search bar for you to type in your keywords.
Is this what you meant?

Living Room / Re: I hate Valentine's Day!
« on: February 09, 2010, 07:27 PM »
...we spent all of Christmas Eve and the majority of Christmas together (via Skype)

What a sweet story.
I am from California & also had Christmas Eve dinner via video chat with my long distance boyfriend & his mother in France.
They even put the laptop at my place setting!  :-*
We opened gifts together & everything. Pretty cool!

Living Room / Networks and external drives
« on: February 09, 2010, 04:42 PM »

I'm on Windows 7.
All of my data is kept on an external drive, and everything else is on my laptop.
But, this is very new to me. I keep forgetting that the drive is there, and dropping it when I pick up my laptop.

Maybe it's because I've been on laptops for 7 years without one, and 3 months with one, I don't know.
Although it happens much less frequently now, I'm still forgetting it.
It's happened so many times now, that the USB ports in my VAIO are actually getting loose.

Is it possible to set up a wireless network with just  laptop and and external hard drive?
Or, should I hook up one 6 ft. USB extension cord to another, to another?

Perhaps someone out there has a better idea than either of these?

Thanks in advance  :)

General Software Discussion / Re: DC Reveal/Hide feature
« on: February 09, 2010, 12:53 AM »
Of course this will only work on certain clients, those that are configured with that quote detection method *and* have quote collapsing options, heh.
- Oshyan

Let me guess...Lotus Notes, perhaps?
It's the only thing I've seen that could be programmed to do this, and email clients haven't changed much in the past 10 years...
It's so incredibly useful, I can't imagine developers ignoring the beauty of this feature. Hmm. Oh, well.

Living Room / Re: Essay - Blogging: a great pastime for the elderly
« on: February 09, 2010, 12:43 AM »
 The article laments the decline of blogging amongst teens. My take is, who cares? When have teenagers EVER had anything of ANY interest to anyone other than themselves and a few close friends to say? Let them tweet away uselessly, it is just like putting them out in the yard to play because you are tired of hearing their incessant yammering about the stupidity of their weird little lives. Get off our internet, the adults are talking.

My sentiments, exactly! Very funny...
 ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

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