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Messages - AbteriX [ switch to compact view ]

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I think I have found a way to handle my work like that:
2019-02-01 151355 # Clipboard.png

2019-02-01 153100 # Clipboard.png

I think my biggest fear was how to add the file content to the ListView. Which I now know that content is not really necessary.
(I can work with ListView, but it was more the 'c' column with sort and filter and export...)

Thanks for all the support, I will try to upload that "tool" somewhere once I am finished.


Is there a need to actually display both A and B lists in a listview?

That was the whole purpose: having all that for an overview, side-by-side.

But now I must ask myself... for what? I would have to scroll, which I don't would do for sure.
Maybe I have to redesign my wish, maybe just a tool to load two lists and display a numeric result, with option to export?

List A:[ ____________][...] 645 lines
List B:[ ____________][...] 378 lines
Duplicates: 23
[Remove B from A, without sorting, and export] (611 lines) Purpose: have one list A, and a white list B to remove from A.
[Merge both, Remove Dups, without sorting, and export] (1.000 lines) Purpose: have two lists, merge both, but remove duplicates

Export to same folder and file name as A, but add a suffix.

Me think I could do that new design on my own too.

Thanks for all the help!
Sorry, I really want such GUI-Tool as mentioned in my first post, but must say now, it would not really made much sense, isn't it?


Thanks you all for your kind interest!

File Intersection looks good. Same output as my own scripts.
POSHGUI is interesting, I have to play more with this.
But since I have played with AHK ListView, I can imagine that that would be a far way to go for me.

All that command line tools are looking good and are fine with me, but for a quick overview and filtering I prefer a GUI right now.

- - -

Thanks for jumping in, skwire!

Do you have any sample files we can work with?

Nothing special I am thinking of right now.
Just lines as generated for example with "" plus an hyphen in between.
Maybe lines with a few words too? Basically only compare each line from A with each line from B?!?
My think, the special I am looking for is the result column plus the export of that result.

Here are shorter lists I tested with (do you need lists with 100.00 lines?):

List A
Plus 120.000 more

List B
these EVERYONE grass
level FIFTY first
coat WORD past
And maybe 8.000 more

- - - Results:

in A only
Plus 120.000 more

in B only
these EVERYONE grass
level FIFTY first
coat WORD past
And maybe 8.000 more

in both


N.A.N.Y. 2009 / Re: NANY 2009 Release: Comparer
« on: January 28, 2019, 02:29 PM »
Thanks hamradio, that works.

Could some moderator please update the Download Link at first post?


N.A.N.Y. 2009 / Re: NANY 2009 Release: Comparer
« on: January 28, 2019, 05:32 AM »
Hey! Found that tool first now because of chashnniel's post.

But I get a 404 Not Found on


I need a tool to compare list of strings (numbers and chars).

Maybe someone is interested?  ;)  :Thmbsup:

List A | List B | Result 'C'|
123DF..|.123df..| In Both...|
123X...|........| In A......|
.......|.133X...| In B only.|
___....|.444....| In B .....|
x456...|.X456...| In Both...|
789....|.___....| In A......|
___....|.888....| In B......|
___4___|__5_____| A:2 / B:3 / C:2|

Wanted features:
- Standalone, portable EXE plus INI for Win7 and newer
- Whole line comparing, do not compare inside string (123X and 133X are completely different)
- Working with lists with ~150.000 entries,  maybe 10 to 15 sign long each entry
- Show amount of entries in status bar for A and B column, maybe for Result too?
- Result column features: in A only / in B only / in both A and B (Doubles) / in A or B unique (in A only + in B only = together)
- Sort the result column
- Filter the result column
- Export the result column (copy to clip, or export to current working dir,.... maybe the folder from List A)
- Command line option: provide both list as path (NumbComp.exe C:\Temp\ListA.txt C:\Temp\ListB.txt)
- Drag&Drop lists to the GUI

- Maybe possibility to remove duplicated entries (without sorting) from  List A and from List B
- Maybe export unique entries from both list together (merged A+B+Both, remove duplicates)
- Maybe automated command line option to load lists, compare and export as wanted (e.g. A only, -or- That only in both)
(NumbComp.exe C:\Temp\ListA.txt C:\Temp\ListB.txt /O __Result_%timestamp% /F InBothOnly)
- Maybe option to compare case-sensitive (not need by me right now; 123x and 123X are same)
- Maybe in-line comparing (not need by me right now; x456 and X456 would be different)
- Maybe allow to work with one single file only, for to sort or to remove duplicates

I have done that in VBS and PoSh, but want a GUI,
and I have done that in Excel (2016/32-bit), but that will freeze my PC (16G RAM) for some minutes...
And I would had to take care to copy the formula down the whole lines till the end.
I also have tried a  few text comparing tools, but non have satisfied me.

Thanks in advance.


N.A.N.Y. 2019 / Re: NANY 2019: TextWorx - Universal Text Manipulator
« on: January 07, 2019, 05:42 AM »
Cool, I like such tools. Thanks for your work.

Test with 0.7 on Notepad2 on W7/64:
"Transform > Reverse" on a few lines: did reverse but also added one additional line break for each selected line.

Add this text to the ReadMe.txt
win+K to show the menu
win+shift+K to toggle the toolbar

After you have the menu open (or when you push a toolbar button):
  • hold shift to reverse the effect (in many cases)
  • hold control to work the effect on each line in the selection
  • hold control+shift to do both

For example, if you want to encase a word in double-quotes, just select the text, then select the function from the menu.
  • To remove double-quotes, hold shift when you select the function.
  • To encase each line in double-quotes, hold control when you select the function.
  • To remove double-quotes from each line, hold control+shift when you select the function.

also show there the release number (or somewhere else) so we can report which release we tested with.
Sorry, just found it behind the TNA icon ;-)

1. Insert > Prefix text to lines / Append text to lines (dialog box like Notepad2 Alt+M) ((( Aha, works already with Control-key on (Encase > Surround*)-command )))

2. Transform > Wrap line at pos: [ 72] ()Exactly ; ()Only after Space, Dot or ?!"-signs. For to split a long line into shorter lines.

3. Transform > Wrap line after [ 500] signs at char [. ] (this is a "dot+space") For to split one long joined line into a few paragraph with junks of 500 signs.

4. For to indicate a follow up dialog, me think a trailing '...' on the menu entry is more common then your trailing '*' ? (For me it tokes a few minutes until I realized what that sign was for  :P )

5. kind of "Restart TextWorx" entry for to re-read the INIs after modifying them (currently I have to exit and restart TextWorx)

6. Do you really need the numbering for the menu items?
100=single line|test1
101=spaced lines|test2
I would found it better without, so I can easily rearrange the entries at wish, without order the numbers afterwards too.
Entry=single line|test1
Entry=spaced lines|test2

I just tested TextWorx with TotalCommander, works fine:
- Modifying an button > Change... > Command-box: >>> Win+K > Editor > Zoom Editor
- F7 create new folder > >>> Win+K > Date and Time > Montag, 7. Januar 2019


Me think, SoftMaker Office was always able to use portable.
I use have a portable SoftMaker Office since 2008.
I remember there was a menu entry "copy to usb drive" ?
At the end, the trick was to have a "portable.txt" in the SoftMaker Office folder, where I copied all files and settings to.

Just FYI  :-\


Terms and Conditions:

•Licenses are valid for a one-year term

•This offer does not include any update subscription


I have at most 21 items as templates only, so I have never tested with more entries.
Try to organize your template into folders. That way -all together- I have more than 35 entries as templates.

my History sub folders I have set to 99 items at most. They made two columns at 43 item (screen height on laptop)

Don't know why Template sub folder should make a 2nd column after 35 items?
But never disturbs me as I had never that much in a single Template folder.
In normal History I have 500 entries in 7 sub folders and that works fine for years.


It occurred to me that often during searching I am looking for some text X that is "near to" some text Y, and I don't know of a tool that can do that..
Where "near" is some configurable distance in bytes.

Does anyone know of such a multi-file search tool with this feature?

For those who utilize TotalCommander anyway, they can use a Plugin to search
for text inside of file, here "FileContent 1.10" from Lefteous:


(I have modified the screenshot to show that search works in reversed order (system/zoom)  too)

If more info is wanted, just ask,.... but I have to leave for now.


Thanks Tom!

Some details (as I searched for that too):

 Terms and Conditions

    This is a 1-user unlimited-computer lifetime license, for noncommercial use
    No free updates; if you update the giveaway, it may become unregistered
    You get limited free tech support
    You must get your license key and download the program before this offer has ended
    May not be resold

Technical Details

    Developed by Cinta Software
    Version is v3.8
    Download size is 5 MB
    Supports Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8/8.1, and 10 (32-bit and 64-bit)

You have to download a xxxxxx.hub.exe with 2MB in size, which I think will download
the final version for you (bound to your hardware ID I guess)


How do I navigate Power Shell?  :tellme:

If this is still need, here is how:

- Open PowerShell window ( Run: powershell )
- You will get a PowerShell window, starting in your profile directory

- now tell the machine you want to change the folder:
use 'Set-Location', short 'SL', or the alias, know from DOS days: 'CD'

- add a space after CD

- net start typing 'pic' and press TAB key to cycling  through all matching folders (if any), and you will get:
cd .\Pictures

- press Enter

- - -

Extra tip:
- use TAB key everywhere and every time in PoSh to aid you navigating
- press Ctrl+C to cancel current typed command and get a new line
- Type 'cd ..' + ENTER to go to parent directory
- Type 'cd \' + ENTER to go to the root of a drive
- Type 'H:' + ENTER to switch to drive with letter H
- Type 'cd ~' + ENTER to switch to your home directory C:\Users\Kurt\
- Type 'cd ~\' + TAB to cycling  through all folders

Here is a better explanation

HTH?  :Thmbsup:

For Each JPG in folder --- Set "Created"-time from "Last write"-time

You can use PowerShell for that.

(First have a backup)

I will do it step by step for the learning effect:

Launch PoSh and change to your folder.

List the file(s) with Get-ChildItem and utilize Get-Member to see the object properties
(I have added select -First 1| because it is enough to see that info once only)

Get-ChildItem *.jpg | select -First 1 | Get-Member
(Short: ls *.jpg|gm)

You will see among others
CreationTime              Property       datetime CreationTime {get;set;}
LastAccessTime            Property       datetime LastAccessTime {get;set;}
LastWriteTime             Property       datetime LastWriteTime {get;set;}

Now lets see what that properties will get us
Get-ChildItem *.jpg | ForEach-Object{$_.CreationTime ; $_.LastWriteTime}
Donnerstag, 20. April 2017 16:25:27
Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2005 01:18:56

Set Creation time from LastWriteTime
Get-ChildItem *.jpg | ForEach-Object{$_.CreationTime = $_.LastWriteTime}

Test, like in Step3
Get-ChildItem *.jpg | ForEach-Object{$_.CreationTime ; $_.LastWriteTime}
Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2005 01:18:56
Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2005 01:18:56

For you it's enough to perform Step4.
In short syntax:
dir *.jpg | %{$_.CreationTime = $_.LastWriteTime}

Or work on the first few only for testing purpose:
dir *.jpg |select -First 3| %{$_.CreationTime = $_.LastWriteTime}

Use '-Recurse' to work in sub folders too:
dir *.jpg -Recurse | %{$_.CreationTime = $_.LastWriteTime}

HTH?  :D

GCI is short for 'Get-ChildItem'
DIR and LS are aliases for 'Get-ChildItem'


Mouser's Zone / Re: issue with automatic screenshotter
« on: May 13, 2017, 02:45 AM »
- menu from tray icon and from application are not captured at all (not true, some work),
I only see cursor over pushed button, but menu is not on screenshot.

Is it possible the screenshot is happening right BEFORE the menu is displayed?
That is, if you have it take a screenshot every 1 second, do you then get the capture of the menu?

After I saw the 'flaws', I tested by hovering for a longer time over the menu(s) while had AS set to capture every 3 seconds.
(duh, I wanted to post my AS settings, but then.... arrrg)
So sooner or later one shot should have taken the -what are the pop-ups called?... fly-out menu?

I will sure have a need to capture more the next week and will report back.


Mouser's Zone / Re: issue with automatic screenshotter
« on: May 13, 2017, 02:38 AM »
Ath    ;D,

AS was running at that other PC,... both I controlled remotely.
After finishing my work, I copied the captured screenshots to my PC
and on importing them into WordTM I saw the flaws I mentioned above.

Thanks for support  :Thmbsup:

Mouser's Zone / Re: issue with automatic screenshotter
« on: May 12, 2017, 01:13 PM »
That's a good point, Ath, and I had should mentioned that I had tested the last time in a virtual machine of VirtualBox.
But I doesn't encounter that issue with other screenshot tools before, which I test most in a VM first (like other tools too)
On the other hand, I posted about that issue on Wednesday first, and there I worked on a real W732 Laptop (remote, ok, but that doesn't matter I think)


Mouser's Zone / Re: issue with automatic screenshotter
« on: May 12, 2017, 08:39 AM »

AutomaticScreenshotter.exe   6.536.464   09.05.2017 21:57

- cut windows is fixed
- DPI-settings are there , set to 96 and works


- menu from tray icon and from application are not captured at all (not true, some work),
I only see cursor over pushed button, but menu is not on screenshot.

If I find a problematic application where screenshot of the menu not work and which is easy to download for your tests, I will report back.
(At the moment I only have commercial SW with big download size, or portable but old, now no freeware anymore soft)
(Update: now with another test, I see the same as yesterday on screenshot of menu of tray icon >> a region more on the top left of my screen is captured instead)

Till then, thanks for AS.


Mouser's Zone / Re: issue with automatic screenshotter
« on: May 10, 2017, 08:08 AM »
Looks fine now on W7/64 and W8.1/64  :Thmbsup:

No cut pictures anymore now (only if a wider dialog is in front of a smaller one,
the size of the smaller is taken instead of the wider one.
I think because the smaller has still the focus. No big deal for me.)

- - -

I want to capture the context menu of an icon in TRAY.
First I can't, because option "Don't capture .... less...pixel: 80" was set.
Instead the whole desktop was captured, incl. open Tray fly-out window.

Next I disable that option, now a small part of the top left area of my desktop is captured,
instead of the context menu in the lower right.

- - -

But there are no change about DPI settings on the app I had downloaded:

"AutomaticScreenshotterPortable_1.06.1_(2017-05-07).zip...5.809.160   .....09.05.2017 16:06 German time saved to my disk"

"AutomaticScreenshotter.exe    .......................................6.536.464   .....09.05.2017 14:12"

Thank you.

Mouser's Zone / Re: issue with automatic screenshotter
« on: May 09, 2017, 08:53 AM »
Thank you!
Please allow me a few days till I have another need to take a whole bunch of shots.


Mouser's Zone / Re: issue with automatic screenshotter
« on: May 09, 2017, 04:56 AM »
Hi Jesse, FYI, I don't want to complain, thanks for that app anyway  :Thmbsup:

Why I get cut pictures of some dialogs?


(o) Active Window or desktop, if none (default)

This is a shot of Device Manager > USB > context menu > Properties

This is a full screen app > File open dialog

The big sized WinExplorer windows are captured with desktop background, fine, but only the top left half, not the WinEx window in whole.

It's always the same problem: only top left part is captured.



Other dialog are captured fine.


Splash pictures (on software start) are captured with some part of the background.

But that is probably intended?
OK, no big problem.

- - -

Another problem:

the pictures are stored with 300dpi.

If I insert them in WordTM, they are very small.

I have to modify the screenshots beforehand
and batch set them all to 96dpi, then they are fine for my use with WordTM.

Maybe you can add an option to set the wanted DPI on save time?


Mouser's Zone / Re: issue with automatic screenshotter
« on: May 09, 2017, 01:37 AM »
FWIW, I read the same out of that sentence (although it stands clearly what that option does)
I just had another expectation and that was what I read... the same as you.


Mouser's Zone / Re: Bug report: automatic screenshotter stops
« on: May 04, 2017, 02:20 PM »
Now I had no time to visit this forum for some days and so I missed this thread...

But interesting, I had just this days the same issue with  MiniCap (based on ScreenshotCaptor).
I have a script to capture every 3 seconds and on mouse click.
Works fine after I read the help how to make individual file names
for about 20 minutes and ~600 files, then I can't let work MiniCap again.
(VirtualPC W7/64, only 2GB RAM)

I wanted to look on GDI issue too, but then there were other things to do.
I switched to Automatic Screenshotter and that works fine with "every 3 sec" rule, but I miss "capture on mouse click".
So it's fine you work on that already  :Thmbsup:


I used MiniCap  yesterday again and just realized it will created wanted sub folder on its own,.... great!  :Thmbsup:

-save "wantedSubFolder\OUTPUTFILENAME.png"

Thanks for a great app man.

Wouldn't disabling that work too?

Preferences > Basic Capturing > Capturing Options > >> Before Capture > [_] Hide Screenshot Captor window


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