BBCeditor is a simple editor for BBCode.
Anyone is welcome to write mini-review
I am opened for any comments and suggestions. 2.0 framework is required!SnippetsUsers can define their favourite phrases to be used in "auto-coplete type" list box which pops up on Ctrl+Space shortcut. Please remember, that if you want to have multiple lines for snippet, you should use Ctrl+Enter to jump to new line in
Value field of
Snippets tab (
Settings window).
Custom toolbar sizeIt is now possible to set own toolbar size via Settings dialog. If you want to do so you need to have your own buttons images and set their folder.
Sample images are included into ZIP (inside "tango24" folder).
Custom buttonsUsers can add their own buttons to top toolbar. They can also define bbcode which will be inserted into editor and HTML code replacement for preview.
Please remember to define tags without brackets (both: for bb and HTML)!
Customizable preview themesPreview control uses styles.css file located in application's directory. Anyone can change its content easily, just to make preview better.
Screenshot:BBCeditor 1.1.352018.03.16- no code change, rehost
1.1.35- added - option for clearing non-existing Recent files on startup
- changed - if some text is selected, clicking on Regexp button uses it inside tags - if there are (.*?) or (\d*?) in expressions
- added - few Regex buttons samples added - taken from here as ioncube suggested
1.1- changed - changed images functionality
- changed - upper case bug fixed
- added - DC images added
- added - Minimize added
1.0.30- fixed - AskForSaveOnExit and AskSaveOnExit did not work properly;
1.0.29- fixed - list tag problem (alternative parser engine only);
1.0.28- added - Inline Mode which puts cursor within inserted tags;
- changed - general code clean-up;
- fixed - files paths problems for Recent menu;
- fixed - problems with alternative parsing engine for few empty tags preview;
1.0.27- fixed - Replace problems with spaces;
1.0.26- fixed - error on startup with files (with Undo/Redo activated);
- changed - simple text custom buttons support multiple lines in BBcode field (use Ctrl+Enter to add it);
- changed - new icon for BBCeditor.exe;
1.0.25- added - "Choose CSS" tool;
- added - UndoRedo feature (experimental, can be set by INI!);
- added - more CSS classes for elements!
- changed - Ctrl+G for Replace dialogue (old Ctrl+R is now handled by Redo);
- fixed - Paste handling (text is unformatted now);
- fixed: files loading method (speeds up processing time);
- added: new OpenFileDialog (with preview);
- changed: small code cleanup;
- fixed - access violation error when adding images to new (clear) file;
- changed - parsing in separate thread;
- changed - shortcut keys info window is resizable now;
- fixed - simple text custom buttons tags were sometimes parsed incorrectly;
- fixed - changing custom button type is reflected on list right away;
- added - new parsing engine (based on regexp);
- fixed - error while opening empty files;
- added - option for new file overwrite message (off by default);
- changed - it's possible to come back to editor from save on close message;
- changed - click on URL button places selected text between url tags;
- fixed - access violation on code area click;
- added - SpellCheck dialogue is now resizable;
- fixed - small bug with new lines (in Preview panel);
- changed - limited shortcuts range;
- added - "simple text" option for custom buttons (HTML code field supports %APP_PATH% variable);
- fixed - bugs with date variables for file name patterns;
- added - date variables for Snippets;
- added - option for simple URLs matching;
- fixed - small bugs in Options dialogue (with up/down buttons);
- added - Snippets feature;
- changed - SpellChecker preview font follows code editor;
- added - simple status bar;
- fixed - Ctrl+I shortcut and tab problem;
- added - Find and Replace dialogues;
- fixed - editor fonts were sometimes shown incorrectly;
- added - splitter menu;
- added - Recent files menu;
- added - Export to MHT (web archive);
- fixed - links to images generated incorrectly;
- fixed - freezing refresh;
- fixed - text was shown as changed on Settings save;
- fixed - window position was not saved at all (only size);
- fixed - normal window state was not saved if closed maximized previously.
- fixed - second url= tag was ignored,
- fixed - few freezes with non-closed tags (i.e. email)
- added - window size can be remembered;
- added - extended drag'n'drop support;
- added - 32x32 icon set;
- fixed - table tag button was not working correctly (application freeze for empty tag);
- changed - table tag parsing (with colspan and CSS classes);
- added - autorefresh preview option;
- added - startup parameters (filename) support;
- fixed - cells with spaces only were not shown;
- fixed - automatic table: only one "th" tag was added for many columns;
- added - shortcuts info form,
- added - customisable "Save as" file name pattern;
- fixed button images scaling (second toolbar);
- added custom toolbar size;
- added custom buttons handling;
- added options dialog;