In future versions of Do Over will there be a real time play back?
Ways to change the play back speed of single clicks
Send, {LWIN Down}m{LWIN UP}
MouseClick, Left, 287, 275, , , D
MouseClick, Left, 287, 275, , , D
Sleep, 219
MouseClick, Left, 287, 275, , , U
Send, {LWIN Down}m{LWIN UP}
MouseClick, Left, 286, 428, , , D
MouseClick, Left, 286, 428, , , D
Sleep, 1005
MouseClick, Left, 286, 428, , , U
WinWait, Program Manager,
IfWinNotActive, Program Manager, , WinActivate, Program Manager,
WinWaitActive, Program Manager,
MouseClick, left, 287, 275
Sleep, 219
MouseClick, left, 286, 428
Sleep, 1005
Things that are close to what I'm looking for are.
AutoScriptWriter2 by larry keys
or the alpha AHK ScriptWriter found
http://www.autohotke...criptWriter_v023.ahkAlso i have tried
WinMacro v1.2
http://www.geocities...o/winmacro_v1_2.htmlDoes this Perfectly But you have no way of going back to edit.
Do Over would work great if only it recorded the actual speed for playback.