Hello Together,
I use Opera 9.23 with windows and tabs. For example:
One Opera program:
- Opera-Window 1 with 20 tabs,
- Opera-Window 2 with 15 tabs,
- Opera-Window 3 with 2 tabs.
When working, I sometimes close a window unwanted and loose my workspace of several tabs. Unfortunately, Opera Company does not want to change this problem, for example by putting the whole window into the dustbin (so one can undelete the window with tabs. Closed Tabs are moved to dustbin where one can undelete).
As a solution I found "NoClose" (
https://www.donation...l/index.html#NoClose ) and put it into the StartUp of Windows XP. I presume, that NoClose reads the headline of saved rules to recognize a program that shall not be closed by "X". But Opera has a lot of headlines and so I have to tell NoClose after every start of the PC that Opera shall be "NoClose'd" (Control+1). Is there a solution to alter NoClose so that it recognizes Opera at startup? (Every tab has "- Opera" in the headline).
Thank you for helping me,