Despite the struggles between HD DVD and BluRay discs for the HD discs niche market, some companies are looking forward to the future developing new discs capable of holding all kind of information, whatever its size may be.
This article talks about a particular one that looks beyond today's needs, and developed a new format capable of storing 1TB of data in one disc, and with further optimization could reach 5TB. All of this hosted in your usual-looking optical discs, no bigger and no thicker that any DVD or CD.
A new technology for optical discs The article is fairly long, as it makes a timeline of optical discs technology, explaining how the technology works, and later gives some details about TeraDiscs, as the technique used to record these new type of disk is significantly different from the old combination of pits and valleys. It also includes a interview to a higher-up of Mempile, the company developing the new format.
The Tech Report