Try and search for exploits,virii and RATS.
A few years back i went through a ,i wanna be a hacker phase,and would
fiddle around with Back Oriface and Subseven,subseven was my favorite
and actually managed to break into about two people's machines,a little off
topic,but anyway this place usually can give you access to the latest exploits
and disturbances that are catching the eye of anti-virus companies.
BTW,for the record,i do not mess with people's computers,i'm a law abiding,
gentle human being,an angel if you will.But i do recommend visiting these
types of site to find out how smart your enemy is.They are very smart and
you'd be wise to be paranoid.
P.S. If your Anti-virus or anti-trojan doesn't pick up on Back Oriface or subseven,ditch it!