Damn. I'm feeling a bit lightheaded. Quantrix is HOT. SEXY. A wedge waiting to be driven between my wife and I...
I've created a VERY simple model from a spreadsheet (alas I chose something that doesn't really lend itself to anaylsis) and have been watching the tutorials again. I think I am with Ralf. This is something I'd love to have a use for but the data I am seeking to manipulate isn't financial and involves a lot of non-numeric variables. Probably best to keep converting it into Access format and using ArcGIS to maniuplate it. But I really want Quantrix. And it's almost Christmas. I've been good. Really!
I'm going to keep playing around with it... I'd hate to <ahem> receive it as a Christmas present and find out that it's the $260 equivalent of 5 pounds of Chocoloate - sweet, comforting, but of little practical value to me!
PS just got an e-mail announcing that:
All Quantrix Modeler Professional Edition licenses purchased during
the month of December 2007 will include a Free Upgrade to Version 3.0,
anticipated for early 2008.
This Free Upgrade may be redeemed at any time during 2008.
This represents a savings of more than $250 per user license.