Good Day! I bought a new laptop with Windows Vista. In the old computer with Windows XP, in my Print shop 20 (Broderbund software)program I made more than hundred projects. Problem: when I move them to the new computer I can not review the projects in the Print Shop program. ( I move them from here-to-there with the 'Windows-Verkenner' I don't know the word in english -sorry).
I know were the 'projects' are in the old computer, I mean the map. Earlier I used cut-'n-paste to move them out en in, when necessary.
When I cut them in the old computer (Windows XP) and drop them in the new one (Vista) the program shows me not a single project,even after re-starting the computer and so on.
I seems to me that the Printshop 'doesn't recognise' or somethin like that, those projects.
And I'm sure that I put them in the right map in Vista. (if I make new projects, I can see where they were created and dropped in Vista).
ONLY ONE time I succeeded in viewing y projects on the new computer > I cut-'n-paste the whole map 'projects' in stead of all separate things.
BUT when I re-started.... everyting was gone.
I hope that somebody has an idea how to handle.
(I've been working on the projects for a few years...)
Greetings, Pitr Paulus.