; AutoHotkey Version: 1.0
; Language: English
; Platform: Win XP / Vista Tested
; Author: justice <>
; Script Function:
; Copies photos from multiple folders without subfolders into 1 target folder
SendMode Input
Menu, Tray, Icon, Shell32.dll, 174
SetBatchLines, -1 ; Make the operation run at maximum speed.
CopyDest = c:\temp
NewFilesCopied = 0
; Example: A moving progress bar overlayed on a background image.
Gui, Color, White
Gui, Add, Picture, x0 y0 h350 w450, %A_WinDir%\system32\ntimage.gif ;doesn't exist in vista
gui, font, s16, Arial
Gui, Add, Text,BackgroundTrans x10 y10, PhotoUpdate
gui, font, s9, Arial
Gui, Add, Text, BackgroundTrans, Copying updated photos into `n%CopyDest%.
Gui, Add, Progress, vMyProgress x10 w430
Gui, Add, Text, vMyText wp ; wp means "use width of previous".
Gui, Add, Picture, w140 h170 x155 y90 BackgroundTrans vMyPic,
Gui, Show
IfNotExist, %CopyDest%
FileCreateDir, %CopyDest%
CopySourcePattern = d:\temp\01\*.jpg
GoSub, CopyIfNewer
CopySourcePattern = d:\temp\02\*.jpg
GoSub, CopyIfNewer
Sleep, 10000
; Example #5: Copy only the source files that are newer than their counterparts
; in the destination:
timesCalled += 1
GuiControl,, MyText, %timesCalled% (%NewFilesCopied%) - Reading %CopySourcePattern%...
i = 1
; Caller has set the variables CopySourcePattern and CopyDest for us.
Loop, %CopySourcePattern%,0,1
Sleep, 10
if i > 100
i = 1
GuiControl,, MyProgress, %i%
i +=1
copy_it = n
StringReplace, FileNoSpaces, A_LoopFileName, %A_Space%,, All ;Take out spaces
IfNotExist, %CopyDest%\%FileNoSpaces% ; Always copy if target file doesn't yet exist.
copy_it = y
; File exists
FileGetTime, time, %CopyDest%\%FileNoSpaces%
EnvSub, time, %A_LoopFileTimeModified%, seconds ; Subtract the source file's time from the destination's.
if time < 0 ; Source file is newer than destination file.
copy_it = y
if copy_it = y
NewFilesCopied += 1
GuiControl,, MyPic, %A_LoopFileFullPath%
GuiControl,, MyText, %A_LoopFileFullPath%
FileCopy, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, %CopyDest%\%FileNoSpaces%, 1 ; Copy with overwrite=yes
if ErrorLevel
MsgBox, Could not copy "%A_LoopFileFullPath%" to "%CopyDest%\%FileNoSpaces%".
GuiControl,, MyProgress, 100
GuiControl,, MyText, %timesCalled% (%NewFilesCopied%) - Finished copying %CopySourcePattern%.