Here's a possible solution:
;By jgpaiva
;date: June 2006
MsgBox,4,Hours/Minutes to Decimal?,Convert Hours`,Minutes and seconds to Decimal?`n (select No to do the reverse operation)
IfMsgBox Yes
InputBox,Time,Input Time,Please input time in the following format: Hours:Minutes:Seconds
if something0 <> 3
msgbox,wrong parameters
result := something1 + something2 /60 + something3 / (60*60)
msgbox,% result
IfMsgBox No
InputBox,Time,Input Time,Please input time in the decimal format
hours := time // 1
minutes := ((time - hours) * 60) //1
seconds := ((time - hours - (minutes/60)) * 60 * 60) //1
msgbox,Hours: %hours%`nMinutes: %minutes%`nSeconds: %seconds%
Just paste that in notepad, save it as ConvertTime.ahk, download and install
autohotkey and double-click ConvertTime.ahk