A few links to infos about batch/jscript/basic/KiXtart/Perl/RegEx .... scripting pages.
For all how wants to learn more about shell scripting.
Maybe many things you can do if you only know the right command?
Infos about script programming
Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages
ObjectiveThis site is chock-full of scripting examples, ready to be used.
The primary objective of this site, however, is to teach you how to use batch and other scripting languages yourself.
So read the explanations that are available on these HTML pages or embedded in the scripts as comments.
The main focus of this site is scripting for computer and server management, only a few pages are dedicated to web design.
read more...Scripting:Batch files For DOS, Win32 and OS/2
KiXtartPerlRegular ExpressionsRexx For OS/2 and Win32
WSH JScript and VBScript with ADSI and WMI
Recommended reading Books on scripting
other sides in english:
J R Stockton
DOS Batch Files Page----------------------------------------------------------------
Welcome to Vellu's
Modern Batch Programming Tutorial (Win 2k/XP)----------------------------------------------------------------
fpschultze's Batch Scripting Site How To...
Auch in deutsch:
eine freie Uebersetzung der Batch-How-Tos ----------------------------------------------------------------
Batch Function Library for Windows NT4/2000/XP/2003----------------------------------------------------------------
A complete brief overview of each of the MS-DOS commandsAbout MS-DOS
All DOS commands
Secret DOS commands
DOS applications
Autoexec.bat / Config.sys
DOS error codes
Extended error codes
PC extensions
Creating Boot Disk
Batch Files
Debug Routines
Computer Resources
Known MS-DOS issues
MS-DOS History
MS-DOS Top 10 commands
Questions and Answers
Operating System definitions
Microsoft news
MS-DOS Ver 6.22 & up----------------------------------------------------------------
The DOS batch file programming
handbook & tutorialFAQ 1
Tricks & Tips
Using MS-Dos7 CommandsLINKs##############################################
Infos in deutsch:
Tutorial-Paket zur Batch-Programmierung
antonis.deBatch-Kurs für Einsteiger in 20 Lektionen
von Horst Schaeffer----------------------------------------------------------------
Batch Infos----------------------------------------------------------------
KnowWare-Buch "Start mit Batch-Programmierung"
kostenloser download als PDF##############################################
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