Hi there!
My idea is to have one single icon on the desktop to open various stuff drag 'n dropped on it. Or maybe a context menu (I'll just refer to it as Starter from now on). This would help opening stuff easier without a memory resident program.
Of course you can use the Open context menu for this.
But wait, there's more! 
You could configure Starter to not open specific items with the default associated program, but some other way.
And you could configure to pause after a number of items. This might not be needed, but if you drag 'n drop too many items on a program, it doesn't open every one of them (at least Word gives you an error). Using the "Open" command in the context menu this error doesn't occur, but it opens the documents a bit slower.
But don't stop reading yet, there's even more!I understand it might be necessary for some tasks, so there should be an option to toggle if Starter stops after every item or not. For example if you open a bunch of documents in Word, it'd load the first one and wait for you to close it before opening the second.
And this is not everything! Well... Actually, it is.
I think the config file should look something like this (but, you know, I'm not really a programmer):
what you want to start; with the program ...;using the parameters ...;stopping after every item or not;pause for ... ms after every ...th item;
For example:
%programfiles%\Quake\%dir;%programfiles%\Quake\glquake.exe;-game %dir;1;0/0;
If you drag 'n drop a directory with the path: "%programfiles%\Quake\anydirectory" on Starter it runs "%programfiles%\Quake\glquake.exe -game anydirectory". So your favourite quake mod starts.
Of course it'd be necessary for Starter to handle environment variables (like %temp%, %programfiles% and others) and some new variables too (like %dir = any directory).
And what else should it do? Nothing. Nada. Nichts. It's just there to start things according the file path. At least I think so. And you could always start Autohotkey programs, scripts and whatnot with it.
I have this worked out even more, ignoring the fact that I couldn't program it myself. But the question is: is it possible to write such a thing with Autohotkey? And wouldn't it be too slow (compared to simply opening the files)?
If this is not a "Coding snack" but a 3 course meal (I'm "sure" I'm the first to write something like this

) then sorry.
Anyway, keep up the great work.