Solved it by disabling it

But yeah,it doesn't work for me when it's enabled,i'm on phone line so i don't know if that has anything to do with it.I use to use a program called assniffer by cockos which requires winpcap also,it flat out doesn't work
for me anymore,wierd,i've done a couple of clean installs,bare bones wipe the drive(partition,etc.) in the last
six months,the last being a couple of weeks ago.I got all the recommended and critical updates and for some
reason assniffer and urlsnooper can't recongnize it (til i set it manual) this was not so a little over a year ago
and i've been puzzled ever since.I really like'd assniffer too,it would cache everything that went through your
It's not a firewall thing either,windows firewall is disabled and i've tried with my Outpost disabled.