Since Skwire made the wonderful ControTextTool I use duckduck for reasonable reasons !!!!!!!
I specially like the only page browsing method to select all about the string searched.
Sometimes I don't feel confortable because of the reasons given by IainB, but at the present time I am 75% DDG and 25% Google or other search engines.
A few days ago I found Yandex that seems to be in the backyard of DDG. And the Yandex browser seem very familiar with Google Chrome....
Since last year I was trying to download the Oscar Ceremony Awards 2012 from everywhere : emule, torrents, etc. with no success until finally i get a copy in russian.
Here in Spain is very difficult to obtain a copy of those events. Even two or more years ago. Now seems easy with torrents. I am not talking about see that ceremony a month after the celebration. I am talking about see the ceremony of the oscars 2012 now, and the oscars 2013 next year.....
Even I obtain my first yandex account. Just because more and more russians come to canary islands and is interesant to learn russian or at least have an account from russian specially now they translate to english everything.
In my opinion there is a total globalization with impredictible results. Not obviously in the knowledge of people or feel more near. I refer to this race where seems only a winner must stay.
And the winner seems to be google......