Make a file appear in many folders according to tag words in its file name
Development name: TagHardLinker
A scheduled task that creates Hard Links of files in other folders by reading
A) tag words in the file name
You are free to use any tags, file system naming limitations apply. The tags are associated with any number of folders, which are defined in a database file:
A recurring scheduled run creates and deletes hard links.
It parses date tags such as "tomorrow","tomo", "2wk" and renames the tag to 20061014. Dated files can be made to appear in "In" or "To Do" folder if the date tag matches today, or earlier, giving a pre-warning.
Tag words
Defined in a database
distinguished by e.g. #tag #tag2 in the file name? The character can be other than #.
A tag can contain spaces if it is terminated by a # or if it's the last one in the name. Tags can be anywhere in the file name.
Context menu feature:
Add current folder name to file name as a tag
A non-essential feature, but perhaps a nice one would be to scan for tag words in the file content.