I'm impressed with PhotoMesa. Now that's what I call MINDware. The best, EVER.
http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/photomesa/Video Browser
What I'd like is similar for video. Files playing back, showing parts of the video, 1 min from the start, 15 min, 30 min, etc. Or just screenshots.
You hover on a video, a slider pops up. You move the mouse left and right, it smoothly fast forwards/reverses. You move mouse up and down, playback speed up/down/reverse. Or the mouse wheel is for speed or shuttling. It's customizable.
You move out of the slider, it continues as normal playback, until you hover on a new video. When you get back to a video that has already been hovered on, it remembers the settings and where you left it. You could actually watch videos, just zoom out, and it would remember where you were, when you get back to it.
Video extractor: While viewing, you find a juicy bit. Keys to set extract start end points and auto move the clip to Extracts folder. But most I'd like to have is a feature similar to Repeater for Foobar2000. You can select Selections (loops) of the media and it saves the positions in Tags right into the file. Combined with Foobar2000's Columns View, you can see an indicator in a column, which files have been tagged with Selections.
The Selections should be saved right into the files, if possible, so that the file can be moved around and doesn't lose them. When you zoom close enought to a video, the selections pop up, small pictures playing those selections. There's always a Back key for coming back to where you were before you explored the selections. Stretching the start and end point and choosing the start/end points in a slow or frame by frame mode.
A Virtual Folder view collects all Selections from all video and presents them as if they had been extracted to separate files. Playing back the Selections from inside the files all over the machine. When you go to a selection, you can view the full video of course. You can select the Selections and choose Extract. You get multiple files.
You can tag videos with categories, then auto move them to corresponding folders or just a feature similar to
http://www.moonsoftware.com/mxplorer.asp One-Click Copy/Move.
File Browser
A symbiosis of PhotoMesa and WinDirStat
http://windirstat.info/You see stuff in WinDirStat format, color coded, and normal file lists appear when you zoom near enough. Multiple zoomable windows side by side, Favorites as virtual root folders, like in the Desktop NameSpace.