if you are into martial arts (and live in the UK) you've probably already heard of Geoff Thompson.
i first saw the man on a late night TV show that attempted to dispel the myth that martial arts are going to help you out if you are attacked by someone.
i'm sure my reaction was similar to that of other people when they first see Geoff Thompson in action and explaining his philosophy - i was absolutely astounded. like some kind of iconoclastic prophet, he explained to the audience the 'reality' of self-defence (which i won't go into, that's for him to tell you if want to learn more).
but, there is far more to Geoff Thompson than martial arts. he began as a bouncer and factory floor sweeper (i think) and has now become an extremely respected motivational author and writer. he's now also a Bafta award winner.
a few years ago i bought some of Geoff's training (self-defence) videos and a couple of his 'life-couch' motivation books. the videos were, and still are, quite revolutionary to see - they demonstrate REAL self defence techniques and theories. the books are equally inspiring as Geoff tells us how he hit rock bottom in life but made the choice to turn things around (which his business empire clearly shows that he has) and how you can perhaps make and carry out similarly life changing choices.
i admit, he doesn't really focus on 'time-management' techniques and anti-procrastination isn't really something he'll go into detail about, but he does offer a less 'business man' approach to self-motivation - which seems to be the dominant way in the business. once, he was possibly the worst kind of person you could meet - violent and likely to hit you a few too many times if you were in the wrong night club at the wrong time. now, he has transformed into one of those rare people that amaze you with their calm insightful wisdom that is all the more touching and powerful because you know of his origins.
i've made this post as i've now seen that Geoff is offering a podcast, available here
http://www.geoffthompson.com/podcast.asp so, if anything i've said sounds remotely interesting then you might find the podcasts of worth.
(if you are interested in self-defence or martial arts then i thoroughly recommend Geoff's videos/dvds and books. if you want a good 'self-motivation' read then his other books are very practical and enjoyable to read - filled with all those kind of tips that seem so self evident that you just have to use them.)
oh, and here's Geoff's main home page