A great FBSL fan (Ferdinand Piatnik) has developped a very nice tool with it.
This is a 'shell' program like that does a lot of nice things.
Here is the whole description + source code + zipped attachement.
I propose class env as a tool to use with FBSL programs in BAT files.
When instance of class env is created it processes the FBSL program command parameters.
Features are:
options - parameters which begin with with "-" are treated as options.
First character after "-" is saved as option identification, the reminder of parameted is saved as option argument.
Options are processed until non option parameter is found.
fileset expansion - parameters which contain "*" or "?" joker characters are considered as fileset definition
and are expanded to list of files.
Joker characters are allowed anywhere in directory path(except for drive specification)
standard input redirection - parameter which starts with "<" defines STDIN file.
Parameter must be enclosed in quotes(") because of standard DOS(cmd.exe) processing.
standard output redirection - parameter which starts with ">" defines STDOUT file.
When parameter starts with >> then standard output is appended to specified file.
Parameter must be enclosed in quotes(") because of standard DOS(cmd.exe) processing.
These features are not enabled by default.
The Initialize method has three parameters:
%flags - sum of following flags is recognized at this time (-1 covers any present or future options):
env.C_OPT - option proccessing is enabled
env.C_FILES - fileset proccessing is enabled
env.C_STDIO - standard input/output proccessing is enabled
env.C_ESC - escaping of any proccessing is enabled(by prefixing parameter by character "/")
%fAllow - specifies file attributes which are allowed for files to be returned in fileset (when fileset expansion is enabled)
%dAllow- specifies file attributes which are allowed for directories to be examined (when fileset expansion is enabled)
Class env exposes following constants:
C_STDIO = 1 'allow redirection of STDIN, STDOUT
C_FILES = 2 'expand parameters with * and ?
C_ESC = 4 'parameters starting with \ are not processed(\ is trimmed off)
C_OPT = 8 'leading parameters starting with - are processed as options
Method getFiles - returns array of files
$fname - file search string - it may contain "*" and "?" characters
$dir (default="") - directory string prepended to search string - must end with "\" ,
"*" and "?" characters are not allowed/processed
specifies file attributes which are allowed for files to be returned in fileset
specifies file attributes which are allowed for directories to be examined
Method redirectStdIn - specifies standard input file. True is returned if redirection succedes, false otherwise.
$p_fileName (default="")- specifies STDIN file. When "" then default STDIN is restored.
Method redirectStdOut - specifies standard output file. True is returned if redirection succedes, false otherwise.
$p_fileName (default="")- specifies STDOUT file.When "" then default STDOUT is restored.
$p_mode (default="w") - specifies write mode. When "w" text is written to new file. If "a" is specified, then text is appended to existing file.
Method printError writes text to FBSL console even if STDOUT is redirected.
$p_message - text to be written
$p_CRLF - (default=CRLF) - text to be appended to p_message
I could not find problems on my computer.
There is a bug/problem with use of _dup2 function for STDIN, but workaround with use of fflush corrected problems.
In Attachment there are files:
env.inc - env class definition
envDemo.fbs - demo FBSL script - called by demo.bat
demo.bat - BAT script to demonstrate uses of env class. If I knew how, I would make it better.
The Class code :
Class env
#DllDeclare crtdll(_dup As myDup, _dup2 As myDup2, _fileno As myFileNo, fopen As myFopen, fflush As myFflush)
#DllDeclare kernel32(GetStdHandle, WriteConsole)
Shared %d_stdIn = 0, %d_dupStdIn, %d_newStdIn = 0, %d_stdOut = 0, %d_dupStdOut, %d_newStdOut = 0
Shared %d_errHandle = 0
Function redirect_($p_fileName, $p_mode, %p_old, %p_dup, %p_new)
Const FAIL = -1
Const NONE = 0
Dim %d_tmp, d_handle
If p_mode = "r" Then
d_handle = STDIN
d_handle = STDOUT
End If
If p_old = 0 Then 'get file descriptor and its duplicate
p_old = myFileNo(d_handle)
p_dup = myDup(p_old)
End If
If p_fileName = "" Then ' restore old
If p_new <> 0 Then
If myDup2(p_dup, p_old) = -1 Then
End If
p_new = 0
End If
%d_tmp = myFopen(p_fileName, p_mode) ' open new file
If d_tmp = NONE Then Return(FALSE) 'failed to open file
%d_tmp = myFileno(d_tmp) ' get file descriptor from file pointer
If %d_tmp = FAIL Then ' 'failed to get file descriptor
If myDup2(d_tmp, p_old) = FAIL Then Return(FALSE) 'failure
p_new = d_tmp
End If
End If
End Function
Method Initialize(%flags = 0, _
Dim %f_stdio = flags BAnd C_STDIO
Dim %f_files = flags BAnd C_FILES
Dim %f_esc = flags BAnd C_ESC
Dim %f_opt = flags BAnd C_OPT
Dim %i, $v, %ok, $fin = "", $fout = "", $mode = ""
argv[] = Command(1 - STANDALONE)
For i = 2 - STANDALONE To CommandCount() - 1
ok = TRUE
v = Command(i)
If f_esc Then
If v{1} = "/" Then
ok = FALSE
f_opt = FALSE
argv[] = Mid(v, 2)
End If
End If
If ok Then
If f_opt Then
If v{1} = "-" Then
If Mid(v, 2, 1) <> "" Then
options = options & Mid(v, 2, 1)
optv[] = Mid(v, 3)
End If
ok = FALSE
f_opt = FALSE
End If
End If
End If
If ok Then
If f_stdio Then
If v{1} = ">" Then
ok = FALSE
If v{2} = ">" Then
fout = Mid(v, 3)
mode = "a"
fout = Mid(v, 2)
mode = "w"
End If
ElseIf v{1} = "<" Then
ok = FALSE
fin = Mid(v, 2)
End If
End If
End If
If ok Then
If f_files Then
If Instr(v, "*") Or Instr(v, "?") Then
argv = Array_Merge(argv, getFiles(v, "", fAllow, dAllow))
ok = FALSE
End If
End If
End If
If ok Then
argv[] = v
End If
argc = Count(argv)
If fin <> "" Then redirectStdIn(fin)
If fout <> "" Then redirectStdOut(fout, mode)
End Method
Dim options = "", optv[], argv[], %argc = 0
Begin Const
C_STDIO = 1 'allow redirection of STDIN,STDOUT
C_FILES = 2 'expand parameters with * and ?
C_ESC = 4 'parameters starting with \ are not processed(\ is trimmed off)
C_OPT = 8 'leading parameters starting with - are processed as options
End Const
Method getFiles($fname, $dir = "", _
#DllDeclare crtdll("_findfirst" As myFFirst, "_findnext" As myFNext, "_findclose" As myFClose)
'fname - path string with optional * and ? joker characters at any position
'dir - optional base directory - no joker characters allowed (must end with \)
Dim arr[]
Dim %p, %pJoker, %pRest = 0
Dim $path = dir, $search = fname, $rest, $f
Dim %fMask = BNot fAllow, %dMask = BNot dAllow
Dim %fStat, %fHandle, %attr, %searchHandle, $fileInfo * MAX_PATH + 41
'are there any joker characters?
pJoker = Instr(search, "*")
p = Instr(search, "?")
If p And p < pJoker Then pJoker = p
If pJoker Then 'jokers exist in search
p = InstrRev(search, "\", pJoker)
If p Then
path = dir & Left(search, p) 'set new base directory
search = Mid(search, p + 1)
End If
pRest = Instr(search, "\") 'is joker for directory?
If pRest Then 'directory with joker characters
rest = Mid(search, pRest + 1)
search = Left(search, pRest - 1)
End If
End If
fHandle = myFFirst(path & search, @fileInfo)
fStat = fHandle
While fStat <> -1
'f =TO_LPSTR( @fileInfo+20)
If f{1} <> "." Then
attr = GetMem(fileInfo, 0, %4)
If pRest Then
If Not (attr BAnd dMask) And (attr BAnd FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) Then arr = Array_Merge(arr, getFiles(rest, path & To_Lpstr(@fileInfo + 20) & "\", fAllow, dAllow))
If Not (attr BAnd fMask) Then arr[] = path & To_Lpstr(@fileInfo + 20)
End If
End If
fStat = myFnext(fHandle, @fileInfo)
If fHandle <> -1 Then myFClose(fHandle)
Return arr
End Method
Method printError($p_message, p_CRLF = CRLF)
Dim %d_len, d_buf = $p_message & p_CRLF
If d_errHandle = 0 Then d_errHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE)
WriteConsole(d_errHandle, @d_buf, StrLen(d_buf), @d_len, 0)
End Method
Method redirectStdIn($p_fileName = "")
Return(redirect_(p_fileName, "r", d_stdIn, d_dupStdIn, d_newStdIn))
End Method
Method redirectStdOut($p_fileName = "", $p_mode = "w")
Return(redirect_(p_fileName, p_mode, d_stdOut, d_dupStdOut, d_newStdOut))
End Method
End Class