If your like me you have multiple tech news sources,well some are still linking to the beta version
of Picasa/Picasaweb and still labeling it 2.5 Build 32.94,
http://dl.google.com...saweb-setup-beta.exeMD5 Hash-F059B7A4D605BCA44249C82191396187
This is what you should go for....
Now i have Picasa installed (2.5 Build 32.94) and it allows you to post to the Picasaweb service,point
being Picasa/Picasaweb should be one in the same.( This is what i gather,if i'm wrong by all means fill
me in)
http://dl.google.com...casa2-setup-3294.exehttp://dl.google.com...eb-current-setup.exeMD5 Hash-2ec5953da03fb0e9663c315fce565d8e