For people who cares about generating rapidly an M3u list, here's a quick tool that will do it for you.
Just compile it with
FBSL and place the compiled file into a known path.
Then from any command line or alike (FARR), you just have to change dir and execute M3u.exe.
Nothing else to do, then the M3u list file will be generated into the target dir!
Enjoy it!
#Option Explicit
#AppType Console
' ----------------------------
' -- M3u list generator
' -- GEG 09-09-2006
' ----------------------------
M3u(".\*.mp3", ".\_List.m3u")
Sub M3u($what, $where)
Dim %fp, $c, $big, $fil = FindFirst(what), $m3u = where
While fil <> ""
big = big & fil & CRLF
fil = FindNext
If Len(big) Then
fp = FileOpen(m3u, OUTPUT)
If fp Then
FilePrint(fp, big)
Print "Error while opening ", m3u
End If
End If
Print "Do you want to hear the playlist now [Y]es, [N]o ?";
Loop While c = CR OrElse c = LF
If c = "Y" AndAlso FileExist(m3u) Then
ApiCall("ShellExecute", "Shell32", NULL, "open", m3u, "", "", SW_SHOW)
Print "See you later!"
End If
End Sub