; FARR_resolve_alias_variables.ahk
; by Nod5 on 2021-03-16
; A helper tool for FARR (Find And Run Robot) written in AutoHotkey
; Reads alias result from active FARR "Edit Group Alias" window
; and resolves (converts) FARR's UserVar variables to text values
; For example the variable "%uservar.Browser.Chrome%" is replaced
; with e.g. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
; How to use:
; Run script and press F8 when FARR Options "Edit Group Alias" window is active
; A MsgBox shows the results lines with resolved UserVars
; Optional: uncomment lines near end of script to also
; - Copy text to clipboard
; - Write text to .txt file
; Discussion
; https://www.donationcoder.com/forum/index.php?topic=51199.0
; default path to FARR .ini file (edit this filepath if the .ini is in another location)
:= "C:\Users\" A_UserName "\Documents\DonationCoder\FindAndRunRobot\FindAndRunRobot.ini"return
MsgBox %
"Error: FindAndRunRobot.ini not found.`n`nEdit script and add correct path to it." }
; get text from results editbox
; read UserVar data from FARR .ini
IniRead, vUserVars
, % vFarrIni
, ExtraSettings
, UserVars
, %A_Space%
; split lines to array
aUserVars := StrSplit(vUserVars, ">n>")
; object to store full variable/value pairs
aMap := Object()
For Key, vLine in aUserVars
vLine := TRim(vLine)
; skip blank or comment line
if !vLine
or (SubStr(vLine
, 1, 2) = "//")
; [Section]
vSection := vMatch1
; if variable line then get variable/value pair and add to map array
; prefix variable name "uservar." and last found section name (if any)
vVarName := "uservar." ( vSection ? vSection "." : "") vMatch1
vValue := vMatch2
aMap["" vVarName] := vValue
; resolve
For vVarName, vValue in aMap
vText := StrReplace(vText, "%" vVarName "%", vValue) ; replace all
; show resolved text
; put on clipboard
;Clipboard := vText
; write to .txt file in this script's folder
;FileAppend, % vText, % A_ScriptDir "\alias_resolved_" A_Now ".txt", UTF-8-RAW
; ----------------------------
; notes of FARR User Variables (UserVar)
; ----------------------------
; Used as variables in aliases
; Set in FARR > Options > Lists > User Variables
; Stored in FindAndRunRobot.ini
; Default path C:\Users\<username>\Documents\DonationCoder\FindAndRunRobot\FindAndRunRobot.ini
; Format in Options "User Variables" pane:
; -----
; TopTest=C:\folder\test.exe
; [SectionName]
; VarName=Value
; VarName2=Value2
; // comment line
; [Browser]
; Chrome=C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
; Firefox=C:\b\firefox.exe
; -----
; Note: it is allowed to create variables above the first [Section]
; Note: comments must be on separate lines. Not allowed: VarName=Value //comment
; -----
; Format in FARR aliases:
; -----
; %uservar.TopTest%
; %uservar.SectionName.VarName%
; %uservar.Browser.Chrome%
; -----
; -----
; Format in FindAndRunRobot.ini
; -----
; Stored as a single line, ">n>" is linebreak separator
; Example:
; UserVars=TopTest=C:\folder\test.exe>n>[SectionName]>n>VarName=Value>n>VarName2=Value2>n>// comment line>n>>n>[Browser]>n>Chrome=C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe>n>Firefox=C:\b\firefox.exe
; ----------------------------