Just another ping that the code itself is not OS. I like OSS, and this kind of thing as far as projects based on code that wasn't released under that licence gives the whole community a bad name, IMO.
Just further to Wraith's comment: The Presto Engine is proprietary software and
not open source. A huge amount of repositories containing the source code received
DMCA Takedown Requests by Opera, and were subsequently taken down (on GitHub & BitBucket).
Zero3K, I would genuinely not be shocked if you received a DMCA for openly hosting illegal content on your GitHub account.
It is my belief that this should no longer be linked on DC as it goes against pretty much everything this community stands for and puts the reputation of the website at risk. I will be seeking to gain approval to have this entire thread removed from the forum, or at the very least have all links to the repositories removed.