This thread will also have some misc notes about production levels of LD games.
Running out of time is at least a quarter of the developer experience! But there IS an art to thinking meta a couple of times in the compo/jam weekend and if an element is getting out of control, perhaps ditch it and try to re-package the remaining pieces.
The first couple entry especially caught my eye as a compo entry (not jam! I'm growing aqmbivalent about what to do with that..) that really seems to have care in the spit-polish stage at the end.
Cozy Christmas Village by juxipolo - Compo Entry sweet little Sim Villiage remake. Reminding people of my rating scale, it scales a bit lower than veteran gamers here. So you take that overall mood and when I rate it Phoenix-Easy, it's generally something pleasant you can just idle with for a couple hours of procrastination before you Get Serious again.
I didn't find any lose conditions, there's no timers and things you lose if you're too slow, and not all that much complexity.
I'm fuzzy on terms, but graphics are some sort of "2.5", 2d with a perspective angle shift, as opposed to "3D" with all the blocky rendering people are experimenting with lately.
Browser note - not all the little settings on my new-ish machine are tuned yet, but currently I am getting errors Unity stuff is unsupported at best in Pale Moon browser, and it suggests downloading the full Firefox.
This is my first completed villiage. I am pleased I had a sane design, though I tried to put in roads for cars but that wasn't clear if that was any better than sidewalks.
So I could optimize the exact placing, but it was netting positive cash per day and letting it sit over night yielded several million into the treasury.
Ludum Dare 2017 Thread