[SOLVED] Change to prefixed backgrounds at prefixed time
[SOLVED] Change to prefixed backgrounds at prefixed time"En casa del herrero cuchara de palo" . I suppose in the forum are most Technical PC people, so use different methods, or alternative methods, may be a good idea.
My weak points are :
1. Don't respect the time hour to go to sleep.
2. Force me to continue working without alternatives (sport, ocium, rest,....)
I am applying for this the program Instant Boss (I have other more sophisticated, but now for me is enough Instant Boss)
If I respect both points I write down a X in the calendar (Seinfeld Method)
3. Buy forbidden food. For me , in this point, the danger is in the night.
So I have place a yellow sheet to remember I can't buy, under any circunstances, the forbidden food into my house.
The points 2 and 1 have reinforced (rest and sport) , so I can afford the point 3.
4. I have observed in me the indiscipline and some dosis of obsession, compulsion and addiction.
( I suppose I am talking to my good people in this forum, able to understand and recognize that everybody is subject to humanity. So the important point is not the fact itself, but the quantity of the fact. )
I assure you that the most part of the members of this forum are above the medium in intelligence. So we are clever enough. Is not a problem of knowledge. It's a compromise between our responsability and DADO (RFSO) Rest, Food, Sport, Ocium.

Jo, tremendous speech !!!!!!
If I fail in my targets I will analyze again the steps. One step must be followed by another, for each person, and slowly.
So I follow the new habits and try to make persistant in time.