I noticed that:
- The metadata - the AS-IS clip size - as displayed in the bottom RH corner of the Memo pane display is not just the size of the image file, but seems to be a sum of the components of the total clip data size - i.e., the Clip Text component + the Clip Image component.
- The former - the Clip Text component - includes the fixed meta-data text string. In the above example in the OP, that string is:
C:\UTIL\Windows utilities\FindAndRunRobot\Plugins\Clipboard Help+Spell\Database\Files\2016\12\12_915x396_1431CF73.png | 915x396 (24.16kb)
However, the Clip Text component also would include any other text that the user has added as notes - e.g.,I sometimes add extensive notes to an image clip). - The the AS-IS clip size seems to be dynamically re-calculated prior to the display of the clip in the Memo pane.
I wondered whether that - the task of dynamic re-calculation of clip size prior to the display of the clip in the Memo pane - might somehow be a contributory factor in the
CHS S-L-O-W/stuttering display problem that I have outlined in a separate post.