DragnDrop has been defeated. after v1 it is no longer
*toungue in cheek*
Sure, skommels answer might be technically correct, but wheres the challenge.
Wheres the hours and hours of 'Reading the Manual'.
what happened to all the research at the AHK forums.
and was there a little celebration as it rose from the ashes.
The self satisfaction that you have created a small slice of history.
I have already poured over skrommels code, inserting msgbox's before and after the first line, trying to crack the script.
So much to learn, so little time.
*tounge back out of cheek*
I had another idea before skrommel so elegantly put his script forward.
Bump-n-Run v1b
'Bump-n-Run' puts a thin line, 1 pixel wide down the top left edge of the screen. You dont have to be very accurate with this
- Simply 'bump' a icon into the top left edge of the screen and away she goes.
- drag a file in windows explorer, bump left edge and the file will execute.
and a bonus
- bump mouse agaist left edge, and a button menu of last eight 'Bump-n-Run' is shown,in history order, allowing quick 1 click access.