@Contro: Sorry, I wasn't suggesting that you to do it differently as a workaround to a "problem". Its just that what you are apparently doing
manually doesn't
need to be done manually, as you can probably automate it in the SC settings, which have been designed and improved to enable them to meet most users' peculiar needs.
I often find that, when I
think I am encountering a new/odd bug in SC, it usually turns out that it's not a bug and I have somehow messed up one of SC's many settings in the
GUI or the
Options panel.
As to the "bug" you mention, I'm no expert and without knowing what your PC's configuration is for SC I can't be sure, but I suspect that what you call a "bug" may not be a bug in fact, but merely SC - after a crash or a PC reboot - finding the MRU (Most Recently Used) folders(s) to be the
previous folder(s) you were using, from its list of
Favourites - refer
SC Options | Advanced Tweaking | My favorites.
To make your preferred settings "stick", you could try tweaking
ConfigDir.ini for SC (example path would be something like:
The initial
ConfigDir.ini text is shown below:
// IMPORTANT NOTE: Lines starting with // are COMMENTS; you need to remove // to make a line active
// This file (ConfigDir.ini) defines the directory where all configuration
// files for the program will be stored.
// There should be only 1 actual line in this file that has any meaning,
// the CONFIGDIR assignmane above. Everything else here is just comments.
// By default it is normally set to the program directory itself, meaning
// that all configuration/ini/settings/preferences will be store here
// with this ConfigDir.ini file. This is also best for when you want to
// put the program on a usb drive.
// Sometimes it is preferable to store the configuration files in a
// different directory, like a "C:\Documents and Settings" subdirectory
// which is designed to store program configuration data, or a custom
// directory specified by a user on a separate drive.
// TIPS:
// 1. You can comment out lines by prefacing them with //
// 2. You can use the following replacements:
// . (actual program directory -- use this for portable usb, etc.)
// %MYDOCUMENTS% (like C:\My Documents)
// %APPDATA% (like C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Application Data)
// %PROFILE% (like C:\Documents and Settings\{username})
// %COMMONAPPDATA% (like C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data)
// 3. The specified directory will be created if it doesn't exist.
// 4. If configuration files are not found in the specified directory,
// any existing configuration files in the app dir will be copied
// from the app dir to the specified directory.
// 5. If you edit this file while the program is running you need to
// exit and restart the program before it will take effect.
// CONFIGDIR=E:\MyCleverSettings\
// NOTE: the company and application subdirectory name will automatically be
// added to the path specified (except for %APPDIR% which includes the name
// already, i.e.:
// "E:\MyCleverSettings" -> "E:\MyCleverSettings\DonationCoder\AppName\"
// NEW:
// You can now signify that an app should run in portable mode (no files saved to anything but app dir)
// by specifying the uncommented line:
Note that you can only activate/enable
ONE line in this file. From memory, if you change
more than one, only the first line has any effect.
So, as a suggested fix, try enabling PORTABLE=TRUE and
then moving your latest SC-related .ini files into the SC app folder. This forces SC to
only look for its settings in the app folder.
I gather that there are 3 main SC .ini folders:
- ConfigDir.ini (as above)
- ScreenshotCaptor.ini (user settings)
- ScreenshotCaptorTools.ini (user settings)
latest copies of
ScreenshotCaptor.ini and
ScreenshotCaptorTools.ini - i.e., the ones that will probably hold your latest preferred settings - will probably be in your User folder - e.g., C:\Users\UserName\Documents\DonationCoder\ScreenshotCaptor\
Search your disk and find and
Move the latest versions of those 2 files (wherever they are) to the SC app folder, renaming (not deleting) any similarly-named files that they might be replacing.
This would force all SC settings to be ONLY as per those 2 .ini files now in the SC app folder, making them common for all users. Similarly, any
changes you subsequently make to the SC settings will be recorded in those folders and thus made common for all users.
Hope this helps or is of use.
EDIT: As an experiment and to see how it works, I have just made these suggested fix/changes to my SC. Seems to work OK, so far...