I'm trying to script a download routine to get 7 days worth of comics at a time. This is using Autohotkey.
The folder structure is like this
www.whatever.com/comics/2016/04and filename like this "sf20160401.tif"
Here is what I have so far, and it works but when changing days it's not changing the folder structure to match..
gui, add, DateTime, vmydate altsubmit
Gui, add, Button, gGo ym, Go
Gui, Show
Gui, Submit
Year := SubStr(mydate,1,4)
Month := SubStr(mydate,5,2)
Day := SubStr(mydate,7,2)
SetWorkingDir, %A_Desktop%\comics
BlockInput On ;disables keyboard or mouse use when script is running
MyURLpass :="user:pwd"
MyURLYear := Substr(mydate,1,4)
MyURLMonth := Substr(mydate,5,2)
MyURLDay := Substr(mydate,7,2)
MyURL := "http://bbs.rbma.com/repo/Sally_Forth/" A_YYYY "/" A_MM "/"
Year := SubStr(mydate,1,4) ; had to change year for Beck arrangement
while n<7{
MyFile= SFT%date%.tif
RunWait % "curl.exe -o " MyFile " -u " MyURLpass " " MyURL "" MyFile ; -v more talkitive
EnvAdd Date, 1, Days ;increases day by one
FormatTime, date, %date%, yyyyMMdd ;fixes formatting from EnvAdd, which adds a timestamp
Can anyone give it a go? Even if you have to trash the cludge that I have