^^ Oops, sorry, I should've piped up about that too, as the ability to show recursive contents (inheritance) is something that I sometimes want and had always thought was a rather nifty feature in CHS (once I "discovered" it for myself).
In fact, I find CHS to be a seriously nifty tool - e.g., for manually categorising/tagging, auto-categorising and sifting of clips - but the directions for doing things like that can sometimes tend to be sparse or, at best, somewhat cryptic, leaving it up to the user to dig around and find out by trial-and-error. CHS is not all that "user-friendly" in that regard, so it is sometimes a case of "every man for himself".
One of the reasons I put so much effort into documenting that set of "requirements" was that I was trying to retrospectively deduce and document what and why existing features had been built-in to CHS, a bit like Sherlock Holmes.
@mouser - by the way, there is still this: User Requirements for CHS
It could be used to save repetition by different/new CHS users. I put quite a bit of effort into that. Have not updated it in ages as no-one seemed interested. I think I left it as public and editable.