I just purchased RollbackRX Pro at a 25% discount using this link:
https://horizondatas...m/281/purl-wdtrpromoI am in Florida and no sales tax was charged. $51.75
Important Note: RollbackRX does not support Trim. If you are looking for a snapshot utility for an SSD try another product. I have a spinner and I doubt I will update to an SSD any time soon. So for me it is worth the $51.75.
Note that there is no version number shown on the promo download but I checked with the Rollback RX Pro forum and was told it is a license for v. 10.x and will activate the latest v. 10.4. What I did was download the 30 day trial, made sure it installed ok and did a snapshot restore as test. All as expected. The demo activated with the provided license key(requires reboot as Rollback does the activation stuff beneath Windows to outsmart cracks.) I have been using the Home free version for a couple of weeks so I am confident I have figured out how to use the utility(after reading the forums for it.)
Speaking of the free version, it may be downloaded here:
http://www.horizonda...roductId=40#FeaturesHome works fine on my Laptop but it is limited to 7 snapshots. With the baseline made during installation that leaves only 6 to play with.
Note that before deciding if you want to use this software you should know that the recommended method of imaging your system with programs like Macrium Reflect is to save your system image before installing Rollback. If you make an image with Rollback installed, then re3store it, the link in the MBR will try to call non-existent Rollback code. IOW, your system will not boot. Also defrag messes up the snapshots. If you wish to defrag with Rollback installed it is recommended to consolidate the baseline snapshot as soon as the defrag completes.
Windows System Restore does not work on my Laptop. So for me it is good to have RollbackRX as a replacement. Having played around with the Home version for a couple of weeks I have found that I can uninstall Rollback, defrag my system, make a Macrium incremental backup to establish a new Macrium image baseline, then install Rollback again, in about an hour. To just defrag my system requires consolidating the baseline after defrag which takes a few minutes and a reboot.
The alternative image backup is to use their
Drive Cloner RX product. This will back up the snapshots with Rollback installed, but only if you do a full backup image.
If you decide to try RollbackRX please read through their forums first. From what I read just winging it and defragging your HD without then consolidating the Rollback baseline snapshot is a quirk way to end up with a scrambled system that may not boot or may require restoring your backup image or, lacking that you may get stuck doing a repair install or at least an MBR fix.
I think it can be a valuable utility for spinners especially if System Restore is not reliable on your system.
Edit: You can read the product page to comapre Home vs Pro but the major enhancement in Pro is a Custom Install option to support multi-boot or just partitioned drives. Home will snapshot drive C: .During Custom Installation you are presented with a check list of partitions you wish to include in the snapshots.
Edit2: I could not find any indication how long the 25% discount will be in effect. All I can say is it worked today.
Edit3: The forums for this software may be found here:
http://community.hor...zondatasys.com/forumEdit4: One last bit of info. I made cursory test of the bootup menu. I hit the Home key when prompted on boot and made a snapshot, and on another boot, I restored a snapshot. It all seems to have gone well. It is a relief to have a restore capability without having to plug in my USB stick.