I've created a small GUI with an Edit element where users can type a filename, this filename is submitted with a button and based on part of the filename string, the GUI gets expanded with different elements.
The problem is as follows: The typical filename to be typed is over 25 characters long and typing it is rather error prone. So... I'm working on adding a button that
hides the GUI, allows the user click to an explorer window and Alt-LMBclick on a filename. The filename then gets placed in the edit element and the GUI is unhidden. As the user may have valuable data on the clipboard, I do not want to use the clipboard for this.
I've been trying to use this code:
SetTimer, Explorecopy, 150
If WinActive ahk_group Explore
explorerClass = ExploreWClass
WinGetClass explorerClass, A
ControlGet, selectedFile, List, Selected Col1, SysListView321,ahk_class %explorerClass%
msgbox %selectedFile%
(modified from:
this forum topic)
However, this just returns an empty string in the msgbox.
Thanks for your help.