I need YOUR help!
I suspect i have a rouge PC thats been infected with something that'd downloading stuff like crazy.
Australian Broadband are all capped. I only get 12 gig a month to use. and once you run out, you get dialup speed. evil 56k.
anyway, i was wondering whether any of you know of any programs that can keep track of how much each computer is downloading.
I know there are programs out there that can monitor how much download and uploads the computer is doing, but since i'm on a network, most of it is just chatter between my comp and the router (correct me if i'm wrong) so the upload and download data wouldn't be very accurate.
I've just been doing normal surfing to 3 forumn sites, and the program says i've download 1.2 mb of data. Is that normal?? for 20 mins of forum surfing???
and are there any programs that can track downloads on computers in the same network? instead of me going to each computer for the readings.
thanks guys!