The DonationCoder 2015 10th Anniversary Fundraiser is Now Officially Over!
My heart is just overflowing with gratitude and pride at the incredible response from everyone -- it's been amazing and humbling and reinvigorating.
The donations are enough to pay for several years of hosting costs, so we're going to be here, doing our thing, ad free, for the foreseeable future. And I could not be happier about that.
* Total donations during the fundraiser:
$15,649 (the most we've ever raised in a fundraiser).
* Total number of donors:
927 (the most donors we've ever had in a fundraiser).
Even if you didn't donate, I want to thank all of you who have expressed encouragement and support for the site -- it makes all the difference.

And now we return the site to it's normal look (without the fundraiser banner), for now...
But be warned, the success of the fundraiser means that we're finally going to migrate to a proper Content Management System and try to improve areas of the site. Stay tuned!
Link to initial announcement at start of fundraiser: