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Author Topic: Image Filter Pro 100 : 100% Off at BitsDuJour  (Read 2601 times)


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Image Filter Pro 100 : 100% Off at BitsDuJour
« on: February 19, 2015, 07:13 AM »
Image Filter Pro 100 : 100% Off at BitsDuJour

Photographic Filters for the snaphappy crowd from Iconico.

I seriously lust after their screen ruler software suite.  :-*
Very professional stuff indeed and this seems to be on par as far as quality goes.

Just imagine -- you've been tasked with maintaining a website that's laden with images, and you need a way to be able to capture those images quickly so that you can work on them. Well, how would you like the ability to capture all of the images on any website, in just a few clicks of your mouse? Even better, how great would it be to wield the power to apply multiple filters and special effects to entire libraries of images, automatically?

Image Filter Pro will instantly streamline your workflow when it comes to acquiring and editing digital images. With Image Filter Pro, you can save all of the images off of any website, then apply multiple filters to your images, condensing hours of toil into just a few minutes of effort.

With Image Filter Pro, you'll be able to store collections of filters in Filter Groups, with the power to apply them all in a single click, either to individual images or entire folders using batch processing. With over 100 filters to choose from, including a vast selection of color filters, transforms, HSL filters, and edge detectors, you'll be able to implement site-wide changes to your images using just a few clicks!

Programmers take note: If you're familiar with C# or VB.Net, you can create your own image filters! These filters can then be integrated into Image Filter Pro, thus extending your existing filter collection. You can even use Image Filter Pro as a testing platform for filters! To learn more, please follow the link for the custom filters info page.

You can of course manipulate images that you already have stored on you computer as well. Stacking of multiple filters is supported.

Free functional upgrades for the life of the product is available within this offer.

Would be a nice bit of kit for inclusion in any photographer's arsenal of tools.

Image Filter Pro 100

Enjoy! :)

Today's promotion includes the following:

Image Filter Pro 100 ($0) - 100% Off.

Line Reader ($9.75) - at a 50% discount.
Screen Divider ($14.75) - at a 50% discount.
Website Styler ($9.75) - at a 50% discount.

Another edit to further inform and clarify the issue for those who may be considering this software and looking for the upgrades policy, the lifetime of free upgrades is only stated in a message sent with your registration code after downloading the software.

Upgrades to future versions of the software will be free for the lifetime of the product.

Sooner or later I'll make a post that needs no edits... Grrr.  ;)

Time for edit #3.

The lifetime of free upgrades IS stated in 'The Fine Print' tab... I only discovered this myself when I decided to check what the status of the offer was on 22nd February 2015, as I wanted to indicate in this post the current status for those possibly looking at this after the close of the fully free offer, as I did not indicate in the thread topic the date for the one day that this offer was totally free (The date of my original posting - 19th February 2015.).

Gotta love how these threads will persist for the life of the board, even if slightly out of date.  :Thmbsup:

The offer is no longer for a discount of 100% but the link still points to this software at a discount of 50%.

I'll look regularly at the BitsDuJour site over the next few days and when I notice that the offer is withdrawn totally, I'll make edit #4 indicating that the offer has expired (Or been reduced once more.), as I notice that this thread is still getting views.
Remember, wherever you go... There you are!
-= Sometimes my location is: "YESTERDAY!" =-
« Last Edit: February 21, 2015, 08:55 AM by MikleB, Reason: 100% offer EXPIRED, still discounted though. »