Five will get you ten that Dish will settle with the FTC out of court. They'll do the usual bit where they pay a fine (vastly lower than the law would require if they had a court judgement against them);
not admit any wrongdoing on their part; and create some BS oversight policy (and appoint a "compliance officer") to make sure it doesn't ever happen again.
The part where they argue they shouldn't be held responsible for what a hired contractor does on their behalf is lame. There is a long established legal doctrine called
Respondeat Superior:
Respondeat Superior
A legal doctrine, most commonly used in tort, that holds an employer or principal legally responsible for the wrongful acts of an employee or agent, if such acts occur within the scope of the employment or agency.
<source: Wex Legal Dictionary>
So sorry Dish. That argument holds no water. Next time, know
who you're hiring - and know
what they're doing in your name - or face the consequences.