O.K., I know little to nothing about coding (I've just found a couple of really cool programs here in the past), so I don't know what scale something like this would be, but here goes:
Something I've been looking for for years is a countdown clock that gives a visual representation of coming events in gradations of color or status bars instead of "x days until" notices.
What I'm envisioning is a (stand-alone?, self-hosted web-based?, [I'm on Win7, FWIW]) that would mean I could:
- Pick a significant day
- Put a label on it
- Pick (or be auto-assigned) a color
- Indicate how far out I want the countdown to start [1 month, January 20th, etc.]
And end up with a very basic calendar where I could see a basic multi-day bar for the event, but one that was color gradient, such that on the start day it would be 0% and on the last day 100%
That is: the green bar, not the red or blue ones. (Tapering the bar up in size rather than color would work too, but I imagine that would be more complicated.)
So I could see my next con coming two months out, my sister's birthday a week out, and visually get a sense of how close (intense) various events are to today.
I don't need alarms or anything elaborate and it would best be done as separate utility from a daily calendar/scheduler just for clarity anyway. Nice extras would be being able to hover to get the name of the coming event and/or the % we're at today. Just something I could pull up/open and remind my very visually oriented self how close certain events and deadlines are looming.
Doable anyone?