Thanks rgdot. I remember trying Outwiker a while back and it would not play well with me. Who knows when CintaNotes implements these features. Inline images have been on the roadmap for 4 years.

@dantheman: you might be right but depends which version of Evernote. I just finished a comparison of 5 different note-taking apps on another forum. Below is the text:
Today I’ve performed a series of tests comparing 5 different note taking apps that recently caught my eye, namely:
1. ResophNotes:
http://s29.postimg.o...wqihqre87/Resoph.png2. CintaNotes:
http://s27.postimg.o.../nd9olfycj/Cinta.png3. Evernote v2.2.1.386:
http://s12.postimg.o...vernote2_2_1_386.png4. Nimbus Note:
http://s28.postimg.o...6iylr4cot/Nimbus.png5. WizNote:
http://s22.postimg.o...yzz572p/Wiz_Note.pngThe links show the most minimalistic view of each app without distortion.
In my criteria, I’ve mainly compared the following areas:
A. Minimalistic GUI: award goes to ResophNotes with EverNote not too far behind.
B. Fast-as-you-type search: award goes to to EverNote (due to OCR search) with ResophNotes and CintaNotes closely after
B. Rich Text support: split award goes to EverNote, WizNote and Nimbus Note
C. In-place images: split award goes to WizNote and Evernote sine they have builtin simple image editing
D. In-place tables: split award goes to WizNote and NimbusNote with Evernote closely after
E. Offline with Online sync option: split award goes to ResophNotes and CintaNotes. Evernote database can be synced using Google Drive/Dropbox/etc. but it’s not as convenient. WizNote and NibusNote require to register online account but can be used offline. I just don’t like their enforced cloud approach.
Since minimalistic GUI and instant search are my primary requirements, it’s a hard decision between Evernote and ResophNotes.
If I wasn’t dealing with lots of visuals and how-to guides, I would probably stick with Resoph but that’s not the case. Therefore, it looks like Evernote v2.2.1.386 receives my gold medal. A little ironic that such an old app from around 2007 is still able to deliver. It’s all because of those Russian hardcore coders :-)
Don’t take me wrong, Evernote can also handle images and tables pretty well as shown below:
http://s30.postimg.o...5/evernote_howto.pngIt doesn’t have border styles but a quick paste into MS Word can make it even better: