Long story short...
I am trying to do something which, because of the WebCore I am using, has left me with very VERY few options as to how I can achieve it.
Basically I am trying to hook "Desktop Notifications" sent to the client via a website (Usually sent by websites which heavily rely on WebSockets).
My problem is...Awesomium (The WebCore I use) is very badly documented...and the information I HAVE found, is leading me to believe this isn't possible.
SO...What I need to do...Is something like have my Software know when it activates the soundcard (It sounds a beep when a notification is received) - That way I can provide the visual popup window using a different method (Therefore re-creating the functionality one would otherwise receive).
Does anybody know of ANY method I could use in order to somehow register when the Software activates the Audio Device in order to play the "Beep" (It shows in Mixer Settings) so I can actually do something when that has happened?
In fake-code, I would want to do something like this:
if (AudioBeep.IsPlaying == true)
//Do Something
//Do Something Else.
Any help would be HUGELY appreciated!!!