This is just an annoyance but if anyone knows the answer.
When working with various editor programs like Paint, Notepad, etc. I have to go to the same folder with each program to save the results of the items I am working on. If there is a place to change the default locations used for everything all at once, that might solve the problem. Apparently each one uses the last directory that program was used in which is not the one I currently need it to be in.
The layout is such that unless I am watching close, I

end up in a previous subfolder which is in the same name for two levels up the path until it reaches the USER level where it will be in the User's layout. I have to reset each one manually for the first save until they are all going to the same place.
Examples would be saving images downloaded from the net. If that is the first thing I need to do, I navigate to the correct user's directory and down to the correct subfolder and save the result. If the next thing I do is open that image in Paint to add a background and then save the result, they end up in whatever location I last used Paint in. The list is endless. Every program remembers where it was last used and puts results there instead of using the current directory in focus at the time. When I am in a hurry, this results in creating files that I cannot find later

. Or worse! Overwriting files in a folder where they were already correct with the images that need to be in the another User's images folder.
I am not sure how Windows manages the "default remembered" folder for each program but the current setup has caused more than one time-consuming mistake that has to be corrected. At the same time, its normal setup I am sure has many advantages under other circumstances.
A utility to "make this my default location" would be a great right-click option.