:)Hi Skrommel
I noticed that MSWord 2000 which came with Win98, will not handle
#IfWinActive Microsoft Word
All "#IfWinActive" stats are ignored so I have just corrected problem by swapping macro program with one containing only WORD macros and ShiftOff:
; -------------------------------------------------------
; Configuration:
DetectHiddenWindows, On
SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ; In case it's 3. This setting is in effect only for this thread.
SetKeyDelay, 0
#SingleInstance force
Thread, interrupt, 0 ; Make all threads always-interruptible
SetTimer, Progchk, 1000
ShiftOff S/routine
; -------------------------------------------------------
; Active window check: ;;
SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ; In case it's 3. This setting is in effect only
;for this thread.
WinGetActiveTitle, ActiveTitle
IfInString, ActiveTitle, soft%A_Space%Word
Goto, msWord
IfInString, ActiveTitle, PowerDesk
Goto, PwDeskAct
IfNotInString, ActiveTitle, %I_Editor%
; -------------------------------------------------------
run, %I_Macrerun%\CapXShft.exe ;Macro program for WORD only &
; ShiftOff s/r
; ... remaining hotkeys
; -------------------------------------------------------
It now works great for WINXP, but ShiftOff wont work under WIN98 which seems to ignores all "Hotkey, Key, Label" statements. in MSWORD, so parsing ini file to create Hotkey assignments fails.
Hotkey assignmnets work under 98 for all other programs??
Since almost nobody else uses WIN98, this shouldnt matter!
Is there a better way to clear all previous "Hotkey, Key, Label" assignmnets when swithing programs aside from my method of rerunning macro .exe (ahk) program? It seems clumsy.