Where you have installed Everything does not matter.
The script only opens images with these extensions jpg,jpeg,tif,png,gif (to change that edit line 23) - maybe you selected some images with other extensions?
Save and try this troubleshooting version of the script. The only difference is that it displays a popup message test1 when you press F4 and when IrFanView has loaded the first image and you press windows+left/right it should display three popups (test 2, 3, 4).
Do you get all those four popups?
Does the test1 popup include all the paths to the images selected in Everything?
Does the test3 popup show a number?
Does the test4 popup show a file path to one of the images selected in Everything?
SendMode Input
#SingleInstance force
GroupAdd,xwin,ahk_exe MaxView.exe
GroupAdd,xwin,ahk_exe i_view32.exe
GroupAdd,xwin,ahk_exe JPEGView.exe
#IfWinActive, ahk_class EVERYTHING
clipsaved := ClipboardAll
clipboard =
send ^c
x := clipboard
clipboard := clipsaved
clipsaved =
arr := {}
Loop, Parse, x, `n, `r
SplitPath, A_LoopField,,,xext
if xext in jpg,jpeg,tif,png,gif
temp = %temp%`n%A_LoopField%
x = 0
msgbox test1:`n%temp%
gosub showfirst
#IfWinActive ahk_group xwin
msgbox test2
if (arr.MaxIndex()<1)or(x==arr.MaxIndex() and A_ThisHotkey=="#Right")or(x==1 and A_ThisHotkey=="#Left")
x += A_ThisHotkey == "#Left" ? -1 : 1
msgbox test3: number=%x%
do := arr[x]
msgbox test4: %do%
Run %do%