I would like to automatically create a new window at the same level to the target one containing all the shortcuts to files contains in the first with no subfolders adding to the initial names the name of the original subfolder.
Examples :
Target folder is : 2014
so the new window/FOLDER may be 2014.VF
The target folder have many subfolders like : 2014.01, 2014.03, 2014.03.15, 2014.01.07, etc.
Each subfolder may have archives in it (excluding the typical of the system....., desktop.ini,.....) like example.txt , example100.txt, example.doc , example.eml, example.pdf etc.
If the file example.txt is in 2014.01 folder then the new shortcut in 2014.VF will be : example.2014.01.txt. It not a copy of the file, only the shortcut.
If the file example.eml is in 2014.01.07 folder then the new shortcut in 2014.VF will be : example.2014.01.07.eml .
and so on
I would like an exe or a ahk script for this or similar.
We can reconstruct that "index of files" in any moment if files have changed. Not neccesary automatical for this case. May be manual. It will create a new list in the 2014.VF.....
initial discussion :