Absolutely perfect! Thank you so much Skwire! It assimilates right in with my existing master script.
Unrelated, but interestingly enough the first version would not play nicely with my alt dragging and window shading code in some manner depending on it's placement in the script. Placing it before or between either of those scripts would break the shading and cause the alt dragging to jump erratically. Placing it after them would prevent the listview from launching. Not quite sure why though.
At any rate, the script is functioning just as I want. The autostart toggle bit, along with it's initial purpose, fixed that entirely by me just splitting the autostart toggle up from the initial script around my other functions. No hiccups whatsoever.
Actually, when you think about it, LV_VIEW_DETAILS does function properly. That is, in details mode in Windows Explorer, you only ever get one column.
Very true, but that doesn't *really* work in an environment where you don't have a scroll bar, unless you have a large vertical area or very few files on your desktop.