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Author Topic: IDEA: zip (and later Unzip) all main sub-folders at once with 7zip  (Read 3912 times)


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Dear all,

In the past years I have already made some similar requests that are (still) working with Winrar :

A) zip all main sub-folders at once with Winrar
see : https://www.donation...57.msg33048#msg33048

B) For unziping I use Unziplify (it checks several times if a new zip is inside the just unzipped folders).

Now, I would like to do the same with 7zip as it creates very small 7z files in my case Example: 5.7 Go not zipped files becomes 1 Go rar file (note : I can't do it in .zip file as 2 Go limit reached) or a smaller 50 Mo only 7z file !! Time spent to do the zipping is the same aprox 10min.
1) zip all main sub-folders at once with 7zip
I guess I have to change this row :
Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. RunWait,c:\Program Files\WinRar\WinRar.exe a -r -ep1 -m3 "%TargetPath%\" "%A_LoopFileFullPath%\*.*"
But I am lost ! ;(

2) unzipping with 7zip

A problem for me is that it does not delete .7z files once they have been unzipped

Thanks in advance ;)

Win 8.1 64bits