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Author Topic: Mothers Text Encryptor - simple encrypt text - any ideas or coder out there?  (Read 6202 times)


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Hi, I am searching for a tool to encrypt text.

I have found many funny and wired progs, some sitting in the tray and watching clipboard or waiting for a hotkey pressed.

But I have not found what I really looking for (maybe someone still needs an idea for NANY2014?):

- portable app, no dependencies, no registry mess, just launch - use - close
- small executable (assembler? 20kB is enough, easy to share)
- notepad like interface/GUI
- no funny options, no load or save (well, maybe nifty), just encrypt and decrypt
- using standard formats to encrypt in this order:
1.) ROT18 or ROT47
2.) AES crypter 256
3.) base64
- do vice versa to decrypt

Step 2 should ask for pass phrase.

- - -

My usage:
- write or paste plain text (ASCII or Unicode)
- click on [Encrypt] and enter password /prase
- select all and copy to clipboard

And vice versa:
- paste encrypted text
- click at [Decrypt] and enter password /prase

- - -

I think, the main trick is the base64 encoding, with that we are able to exchange the text via clipboard and email.
And the automatically use of three steps to obscure the data.

We can already use EDXOR (  or an text editor with a
few scripts to do that, or utilizing online tools, but I want a simple, no hassle tool for the mothers of us to use  :D

- - -

I don't want to encrypt files itself or save encrypted text to file. I just want to encrypt text and then copy it. (and vice versa)

- - -
More ideas:

Maybe "select all and copy to clipboard" could be implemented as an button too?

An extra feature would be a command line option:
MTE.exe -e/-d -p pw123 -in xxx.txt -out xxx.txt.enc

Plus if possible an option to use a keyword for -input/-output to tell the app to use text from/to clipboard.
MTE.exe -e/-d -p pw123 -in {clipboard} -out {clipboard}

Maybe an option for -p to show an dialog to prompt for the password (like -a for 'ask').

Any ideas of existing tools?

Google is fast
_ClipboardPic 2014.02.11 (22.27.29).pngMothers Text Encryptor - simple encrypt text - any ideas or coder out there?
« Last Edit: February 11, 2014, 03:29 PM by AbteriX »


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I initially thought of fsekrit but that is for saving text in notes.

You really want something more like MYSecret which works on the clipboard contents.

Copy the above to the clipboard and run mysecret.exe and enter the password "tuesday" and it will replace the clipboard with this:

-----END MYSECRET-----

Then if you copy the encrypted text to the clipboard and run mysecret again, it will ask for the passphrase and decrypt. It sees the begin/end items to know if it should encrypt or decrypt.  Also has command line options for file encryption/decryption.  It is just one process, blowfish algorithm, but it looks close to what you want.
vi vi vi - editor of the beast


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I initially thought of fsekrit but that is for saving text in notes.

You really want something more like MYSecret which works on the clipboard contents.

Copy the above to the clipboard and run mysecret.exe and enter the password "tuesday" and it will replace the clipboard with this:

-----END MYSECRET-----

Then if you copy the encrypted text to the clipboard and run mysecret again, it will ask for the passphrase and decrypt. It sees the begin/end items to know if it should encrypt or decrypt.  Also has command line options for file encryption/decryption.  It is just one process, blowfish algorithm, but it looks close to what you want.

I take a bit of a funny approach towards encryption. First of all, let's mention the legendary xkcd comic:
Honorable mention: The Correct Horse Battery Staple

I think theoretically there's a meta-flaw with all these algorithms partially evidenced by his order he wants shown above. If a simple "no brainer AES" isn't good enough, then it's time to think sideways.

Some thoughts:
1. The Three Letter Agencies typically apply their version of the Wrench approach.
You: "Look at me, I used a 3 step process, no I won't give up my passwords."
Them: "Sure. Here's a Judge Order declaring you a child beating copyright infringing terrorist connected to 9-11. So we'll give you your choice of being waterboarded or eaten by Venezuelan rats until you give up the password."

2. Anybody below the 3 letter agency on a vengeance is a 2 bit script kiddie with a de-crypter. Because lil' ol' you just isn't important enough for Big Vlad in Moscow to put his top gun expert on your case.

3. Johnny Mnemonic. Go LoTek.
-----END MYSECRET-----

Did you see what I did there? I'll give you a hint. g.

4. Book Cyphers rule.

Gee. Isn't that nice? Go on, let your Uncle's Friend's Girlfriend's Brother's Buddy Joey at the NSA work on that one. Here's another one.


Aren't "Bad" Cyphers supposed to break with two samples? Notice the "55" in slots 3 and 4? Yay. You found a clue. Too bad you have NO idea what the rest of the context means. Okay, I'll baby you. It's code for an orientation configuration of a Rubik's Cube. I was even nice and used the same one in *two sets of three* to make it nice and easy for y'all to crack!

In summary, unless you shoot a police officer, no one will ever crack these kinds of home made codes. The secret is that uniform length codes expand into asynchronously sized chunks of meaning.

And you're just not important enough for Joey at the NSA to care about you.

Coda: Some of this was inspired by how certain clunky old computer programs worked. Each couple of characters was a type of ultra compacted representation of something. So why stick with *one* process? Why not use *one hundred* processes? Some method indicates to the recipient *which of 100* algorithms to use decrypting it!

« Last Edit: February 11, 2014, 08:08 PM by TaoPhoenix »


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First of all, let's mention the legendary xkcd comic:
I love that comic!  It's just missing the actual 3rd panel, "What would happen to random people", where they say "Encrypted? So what, just sell the dratted thing on eBay anyway, we'll still get a little something for it."  Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean you DO have enemies, either.  :P

So either something like mysecret will be fine to prevent spurious leaks, or you're screwed no matter what!
vi vi vi - editor of the beast


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You might find Notefrog Tea quite handy:
The same cryptography method is employed within the Notefrog clipboard information manager (as reviewed on the DC Forum).
« Last Edit: February 12, 2014, 03:34 AM by IainB, Reason: Minor correction. »