I'm trying to get a project off the ground but seem to have run into a wall out of the gate. Using MSVS2008 I created an ATL/WTL project using the Application Wizard add-on that someone here suggested I try experimenting with. In the App Wizard I added a Ribbon control (because I'm an idiot...), to which I add a group, and in that group I added a CheckBox. So good.
So the fun started when I created a function for the above mentioned Ribbon Control's CheckBox. The function is supposed to test for the state of the CheckBox...and respond accordingly. Simple I thought. Except no matter what I try I cannot get the control to divulge its own state.
I have spent the entire day on this, and would dare say I have tried everything except the right answer! I have confirmed that the correct ID for the control in question is indeed being passed to the function ... I just can't seem to do a damn thing with it. The program either crashes, or just ignores me.
So if anyone familiar with ATL/WTL Ribbon Controls might happen to have a clue what I'm missing they'd be willing to share it would be greatly appreciated. Program is currently being compiled for Unicode...assuming that makes a difference.
Thank you,
Stoic Joker