So if you stuck them all in a room, Seven Writers In Search of an Algorithm, you'd get something like this?
"So whence it came that it became time to teach the maths, and no Russian Farmer's Child Methods would work, then if you honor, nay worship the Mouser, and have recorded all his fabulossical writings, you would have discerned and divined, the post whereupon he gave his approximate age by elucidating the facts of how long it had been, oh so very long, since ...
Since he was in that tortuous Kafka-esque prison called college, and within that factoid was a number. So if you take that number, which he thus had provided for good and earnest measure, and cross reference it with the square root of your own forum post number, you will have ...
Aw hell with it. We are going to factorial something. But since Fermat was busy and the only known professional Fermat Contacting Medium was busy, the method to factorial is too long to fit into this post, for it is filled with tigers instead, and only the lord and dead Colosseum victims know that Tygers burn bright, and fill the room ...
The end.