I'm looking for a program that will help me achieve the following.
I would like to have executables (or macros) triggered by and during video playback.
I imagine that this program would be watching a tiny portion of the screen and when it senses a change there trigger an exe file (or control a macro program). It would be acceptable to me if the monitored portion of the screen needed to be a solid color, even black, and the "change" would have to be white or some other color highly in contrast to what's normally in that area.
What would be even more wonderful is for this program to monitor several tiny areas of the screen and depending on which area changes the appropriate exe would run. Branching!
Sort of ultra-simplistic bar-code recognition?
Obviously it would be nice if the screen area being monitored can be as small and discrete as possible so as not to be real obvious in the video playback. It seems like with video editing software it would be possible to insert a white square of only a few pixels, which my dream program could detect.
I realize that we would have to avoid using overlay mode for video playback but that should be doable.
Any idea if this capability already exists?